Category Name Link Size Date
Anime - Raw [RAW] [アニメ] みなみけ 第09話 「三姉妹日和」 (D-TX DivX6.6 1280x720).avi 269.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [raw][07.12.02~07.12.03] 670.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw Gundam Universal Century Serials 52.8 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [RAW][G Gundam][01-24][DVDRip] 8.9 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [RAW][G Gundam][25-49][DVDRip] 9.1 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [TV-Japan] Les Miserables -Shoujo Cosette- 48 RAW (1280x720 DivX6.61) 257.2 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [TV-Japan] MOONLIGHT MILE 2nd Season -Touch down- 12 RAW (1920x1080 DivX67 120fps AC3 5.1ch) 692.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [TV-Japan] Seirei no Moribito 11-12 RAW (DVD 848x480 x264 5.1ch AC3) 444.7 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [DVDrip JAP] Joukaichiban EP01-52 17.9 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [nayuki] BAMBOO BLADE - 10 (RAW) 198.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [Freelance-Raws] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - 22 (D-CTC DivX661 704x396).[3ZiwD6szha].avi 144.7 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [VP-Raw]_One_Piece_333_SD_(704x396).avi 250.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [DVD5 ITA] Hurricane Polymar DVD 3/4 [] 4.2 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [RAW] [アニメ] スケッチブック ~full color's~ 第10話 「出会いの先」 (D-TX DivX6.6 1280x720).avi 276.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [RAW] [アニメ] バンブーブレード BAMBOO BLADE 第10話 「宮崎都の憂鬱と初大会」 (D-TX DivX6.6 1280x720).avi 283.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [DVD-RIP JAP-ITA] Captain Herlock - The Endless Odyssey - Ep 12-13[] 795.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [Freelance-Raws] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - 22 (704x396 x264 AAC).[d558jJoPJW].mkv 121.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [DVDISO][070921] ひぐらしのなく頃に解 捜査録 -紡- file.01 初回限定版 (2ISO+2MDS+jpg) 4.5 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [FHnF] Naruto Shippuuden 36-37 353.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [Zorim-raws]Jyushin Enbu - HERO TALES - 09(D-TX 1024x576 DivX670) 305.3 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [d3v073d_50uL]_One_Piece_332_HD(1280x720).avi 266.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [DVD5 ITA-JAP] Ghost in the Shell SAC 2nd GIG DVD 1/6 [] 4.4 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [TV-Japan] BLUE DRAGON - 34 RAW (1280x720 x264 AAC VFR) 486.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [TV-Japan] BLUE DRAGON - 35 RAW (1280x720 x264 AAC VFR) 422.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [nayuki] Myself;Yourself - 10 (RAW) 157.8 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [nayuki] Genshiken 2 - 09 (RAW) 251.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [HD-Rip JAP SoftSub-ITA] Devil May Cry - Ep 01-06 [] 1.9 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [DVD5 ENG-ITA ]Kiki's Delivery Service [] 4.4 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw BLUE DROP ~天使達の戯曲~ 第10話 「Cirsium」 (D-KBS XviD1.2 704x396).avi 194.7 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [SAT-RIP ITA] Memole Dolce Memole – Ep 21-30 [] 1.6 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [SAT-RIP ITA] Memole Dolce Memole – Ep 31-40 [] 1.6 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [Zorim-raws]Shion No U Pack 01-05 1.2 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [Freelance-Raws] Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro - 10 (704x396 DivX5.11).[cwAW57TEZ4].avi 229.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [DVD5 ITA-ENG] Star Blazers [Space Cruiser Yamato] - Season 1 - Dvd 3/6 [] 4.2 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [TV-Japan] D.Gray-man - 61 RAW [1280x720 h264+AAC D-TX] 252.8 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [DVD-RIP ITA] Lupin III - Il mistero delle carte di Hemingway [] 1.1 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [ainex]_You're_Under_Arrest_Full_Throttle_-_01_[WS][XVID][FE6E35A7].avi 175.9 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [TV-Japan] Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji 10 RAW (1280x720 DivX670 D-NTV) 246.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [Hikikomori] キミキス pure rouge 第08話 「close to you」 (CTC 1280x720 DivX6.61).avi 220.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [Fiftyseven Angry Badgers] Night Wizard #10 169.4 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [Share] D.C.II ~ダ・カーポII~ 第09話 「恋模様大和路」 (MXTV 1024x576 DivX511).avi 226.2 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [Share]ナイトウィザード The ANIMATION 第10話 「破壊神 ~カルネアデスの板~」 (704x396 DivX651 MXTV).avi 169.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [DVD-RIP ITA] Ghost In The Shell - SAC - Ep 15-18 [] 1.3 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [BF] 224.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [TV-Japan] Genshiken 2 - 09 RAW (1024x576 x264 VFR AAC D-CTC) 309.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [TV-Japan] NARUTO Shippuuden 038 RAW [640x480 h264+AAC D-TX] 136.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [nayuki] CLANNAD - 10 (RAW) 273.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [nayuki] Gintama - 84 (RAW) 169.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Non-English-translated [AFFS] - Naruto Shippuuden 035 - - Spanish Sub 171.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [SAT-RIP ITA] Majutsushi Orphen - Ep 16-20 [] 1.0 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [Freelance-Raws] Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro - 10 (D-NTV DivX6.6 1280x720).[YS2YSUOe1cLtf].avi 408.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [RAW] こどものじかん 第09話 「やきもちドリル」 (704x396) 249.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [RAW] スカイガールズ SKYGIRLS 第23話 「失われた翼」 (704x396) 216.8 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [RAW] [アニメ] CLANNAD -クラナド- 第07話 「星形の気持ち」 (BS-i DivX6.6 1280x720).avi 298.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Non-English-translated [Mundo-Anime] Kikoushi Enma 02 sub esp [B31D3305] 350.7 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [Makoto] Sousei no Aquarion -Wings of Glory-.mkv 852.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [Makoto] Sousei no Aquarion -Wings of Glory- SUBS.ass 64.0 KiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 1 0
Anime - English-translated Bleach 151 English Subs 170.2 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 70
Anime - English-translated Naruto Shippuuden 38 181.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [raw][07.12.06~07.12.07] 2.5 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated Heroic Age 11-12 442.7 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [DVD-RIP ITA] DNA ² - Ep. 04-06 - Pack 2/5 [] 695.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [Hauu~] 256.0 KiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 1 0
Anime - Non-English-translated [FWnF] Naruto Shippuuden 38 (sub spanish) 149.3 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Non-English-translated [DVD-RIP Jap HardSub-ITA] Suzuka - Ep 01-04 [] 874.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Non-English-translated [TV-RIP ITA] Lupin Sansei: Russia yori Ai wo Komete [] 807.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [DVD-RIP JAP-ITA] Alexander Senki - Ep 01-07 [] 2.4 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [DVDrip]風のスティグマ/「07~08+特典」(848x480 x264 24f CQ18 AC3) 556.8 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [HD 720p ITA-JAP AC3] Paprika [] 2.4 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw Mobile_Suit_GUNDAM-00_HD_10_RAW (1280x720 DivX611 24f ).avi 447.0 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [DVD-RIP JAP SoftSub-ITA] GITS SAC 2nd GIG Special - Tachikomatic Days - Ep 01-05 [] 95.5 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [DVD-RIP JAP SoftSub-ENG] GITS SAC 2nd GIG Special - Tachikomatic Days - Ep 06-10 [] 54.3 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 1 0
Anime - English-translated [DVD5 ITA] Hurricane Polymar DVD 4/4 [] 4.2 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated [DVDrip ITA] Hurricane Polymar OAV - Holy Blood [] 700.4 MiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0
Anime - Raw [DVDmux ITA-JAP] Dokidoki Densetsu: Mahoujin Guruguru - Magic Circle Guru Guru 2 - Ep. 01-05 [] 1.1 GiB 2008-06-23 03:24 0 0 0