noZA_ thxs man. The epub I got had the links all broken. Vol 7 epub is a mess tho with how it looks. Missing the EX short LN version so I up’d it if somebody else wants to make a torrent of it.
Do you know if this and Masou still being translated?
Masou should still be translated, I think the translator (Bakapervert) is still waiting for Volume 13 to be released. I think the Masou will be ending on it’s 13th volume by the sound of it.
Comments - 2
thxs man. The epub I got had the links all broken. Vol 7 epub is a mess tho with how it looks. Missing the EX short LN version so I up’d it if somebody else wants to make a torrent of it.
Do you know if this and Masou still being translated?
Masou should still be translated, I think the translator (Bakapervert) is still waiting for Volume 13 to be released. I think the Masou will be ending on it’s 13th volume by the sound of it.