Here’s episode 2! Enjoy!
Constructive feedback welcome. :D
Please bear with the poor early upload speed for a bit longer.
I’m in the process of trying to get a seedbox set up to compensate for my lousy internet, so hopefully you all won’t need to deal with it for that much longer. Once that’s up and running, I’ve got quite a few projects planned for other neglected shows, so please look forward to it!
Seedbox is setup already and happily seeding away!
I’m doing a final QC/OCD pass on every episode before releasing, but scripts are all basically done. You can expect me to release at least two episodes per week until I’m done.
BTW, if anyone is kind enough to seed ([LowPower-Raws] Centaur no Nayami (BD 720P x264 10bit AAC)) so that I can complete the download, I’ll be happy to release a 720p version as well. I’ve got only 16MB left to go. <hint> <hint>
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