@Moozzi2 - what are you talking about? encoding my own version has nothing to do with your screenshots. Anyone can see it. The MKV ones have a subtle green tint to them compared to BD.
Maybe in old rips from 2010-2012 when 10-bit was just being used. The past few years it has never been a problem for anyone. Try switching x264 builds, or use a different method to take your screenshots (avisynth/vapoursynth preview can mess with colors too).
Bungou Stray Dogs is a work of 2016. Old 10Bit rip do not exist.
I am a worker and I am doing too much rip work. I do not have time & High-performance computer. I take advantage of convenient screen shots.
If you are curious, compare it with the rip that you think is good quality. And do not click on my posts. I am not interested in conversation with you.
I was referring to any and all 10-bit rips. Not Bongou Stray Dogs in particular. I am merely pointing out that the tint problem was common in 2010-2012 because of the x264 builds at the time. There should be no reason to experience the same problem in 2019. Either you are taking your encode screenshots in an unusual manner, or you are still using an old x264 build from that day and age. Try using aegisub if you want completely undithered screenshots. I’ve never had any tint problems with it.
And do not click on my posts. I am not interested in conversation with you.
excuse me for pointing out things you could improve on.
Thank you for pointing out I fixed the BDMV’s dirty edges in my Aki Sora encode. Not sure what that’s supposed to imply but I appreciate the compliment, I guess. And judging by the fact that your screenshots of my encode show the same green tint (while on my end it looks the same as the source, and so do encodes of other people), this confirms your method of taking the screenshots is what’s causing the green tint. It seems to not handle 10bit content very well. Again, I suggest you switch methods and try Aegisub.
improve on? Improve yourself.
See, there’s the difference. I gave feedback on your screenshots and pointed out that there’s a problem with the 10bit ones. Simply saying ‘‘improve yourself’’ doesn’t help anyone. If you actually have some feedback of substance for me, I’m all for it. No need to act so prickly. At this point it seems I’m just endlessly defending my initial comment, so if you want to continue the conversation in an easier manner, try contacting me on discord (Scyrous#1084) where I can better help you understand the problem.
Do not just say the ideal, show me the results. excuse me for pointing out things you could improve on.
Except you never pointed out anything in the first place.
The ‘ideal’ look here would be your own BD screenshots. If you bothered to check your own encode in aegisub like I suggested earlier, you would see the colors in the encode itself are fine. The problem is your method of taking screenshots, as I suspected from the beginning.
You guys aren’t real viewers if you care that much of the quality of the dark in the corner of the screen. Watch the action not the background for fuck sake.
For some reason the episodes won’t open! who facing the same issue?
To aynone about to download this, just download one episode then check it out if it’s working or not before you waste your time.
Edit: I just tried to open it trough Aegisub and something odd happened, it says that the video format is YUV4MPEG wich is not a supported format.
Someone explain to me.
Yeah i tried multiple player but same result, however, I tried also to verify the files again trough biTtorent this time and they turned out to be crushed and unfinished (around 88% for each file) for some reason. they are working now just fine after both verifying and resuming downloading completed.
Reseeding this again. For reseed requests or subtitle resources related to Moozzi2’s torrents please request in this discord: https://discord.gg/usjW27V
Comments - 56
10bit ver.
Please, someone would seed ([Moozzi2] Koihime Musou & [Moozzi2] Minami-ke)
thank you!! please can you do Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu?
What is the difference between the two?
Do you have the BDMV? If so, send it to Moozzi2 and he’ll do an encode for you. Otherwise he can’t. :^)
Moozzi2 (uploader)
Plan for Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi?
your encode screenshots are green-tinted
Moozzi2 (uploader)
@Moozzi2 - what are you talking about? encoding my own version has nothing to do with your screenshots. Anyone can see it. The MKV ones have a subtle green tint to them compared to BD.
Moozzi2 (uploader)
Maybe in old rips from 2010-2012 when 10-bit was just being used. The past few years it has never been a problem for anyone. Try switching x264 builds, or use a different method to take your screenshots (avisynth/vapoursynth preview can mess with colors too).
Thank you
Moozzi2 (uploader)
Bungou Stray Dogs is a work of 2016. Old 10Bit rip do not exist.
I am a worker and I am doing too much rip work. I do not have time & High-performance computer. I take advantage of convenient screen shots.
If you are curious, compare it with the rip that you think is good quality. And do not click on my posts. I am not interested in conversation with you.
I was referring to any and all 10-bit rips. Not Bongou Stray Dogs in particular. I am merely pointing out that the tint problem was common in 2010-2012 because of the x264 builds at the time. There should be no reason to experience the same problem in 2019. Either you are taking your encode screenshots in an unusual manner, or you are still using an old x264 build from that day and age. Try using aegisub if you want completely undithered screenshots. I’ve never had any tint problems with it.
excuse me for pointing out things you could improve on.
@Moozzi2 can you do “Hantsuki” (半分の月がのぼる空) ?
@Moozzi2 any plans for Initial D? thanks
Thx moozzi2 for work ;)
Please Any plan for Oda nobuna no yabou, Zero no tsukaima or Boku wa tomodachi ?
Moozzi2 (uploader)
BD vs SCY-Raws - dirty edges.
I use the 2901 build. You’ve your own way, and I have. I do not have time. You do not know the reality.
Why? You do not work and Rip share. > torrents (38)
improve on? Improve yourself.
Do not just say the ideal, show me the results. excuse me for pointing out things you could improve on.
Moozzi2 (uploader)
@moozzi2 thank you verry much…
Kamyne, is that you?
Thank you for pointing out I fixed the BDMV’s dirty edges in my Aki Sora encode. Not sure what that’s supposed to imply but I appreciate the compliment, I guess. And judging by the fact that your screenshots of my encode show the same green tint (while on my end it looks the same as the source, and so do encodes of other people), this confirms your method of taking the screenshots is what’s causing the green tint. It seems to not handle 10bit content very well. Again, I suggest you switch methods and try Aegisub.
See, there’s the difference. I gave feedback on your screenshots and pointed out that there’s a problem with the 10bit ones. Simply saying ‘‘improve yourself’’ doesn’t help anyone. If you actually have some feedback of substance for me, I’m all for it. No need to act so prickly. At this point it seems I’m just endlessly defending my initial comment, so if you want to continue the conversation in an easier manner, try contacting me on discord (Scyrous#1084) where I can better help you understand the problem.
Except you never pointed out anything in the first place.
The ‘ideal’ look here would be your own BD screenshots. If you bothered to check your own encode in aegisub like I suggested earlier, you would see the colors in the encode itself are fine. The problem is your method of taking screenshots, as I suspected from the beginning.
Take a break please, you don’t have to rush anything ^^
Any plan for to share Needless.
Moozzi2 (uploader)
@AXZ - torrents (2) Keyboard Warrior. Just do well yourself!
Look back at your old comment & attitude. You click on a post to criticize someone else. Do not be generous to yourself.
Image method change impossible.
I extract hundreds of PNG per month and enter characters. (Before / After) - Auto
And Auto Input (Nyaa Markdown). I have already built a batch file and do not plan to modify it.
Distribute over 300 works a year. In the same way as me. (PNG Before / After)
Then you will understand my troubles.
And Do not click on my post. Why are you snooping? Do you live here 24 hours a day?
Japanese.ver 2017year First Blu-ray from Release
Any plan for Bishoujho senshi sailor moon Blu-ray collection ?
I agree With @Mozzi2. Tnx For Your Hardwork
You guys aren’t real viewers if you care that much of the quality of the dark in the corner of the screen. Watch the action not the background for fuck sake.
@Moozzi2 Thanks for all of your beautiful encodes.
Domo :)
Banzai 10bit… Banzai… Banzai
Banzai 10bit… Banzai… Banzai
Thanks I love green tint
Thanks @Moozzi2, added to my queue. :)
By the way, Could you upload “Yosuga no Sora”?
Thank you again moozzi, I love your work.
Moozzi2 (uploader)
Moozzi2 (uploader)
Any plan for kamisama no Memochou?
pls seed https://nyaa.si/view/906107 https://nyaa.si/view/871878
For some reason the episodes won’t open! who facing the same issue?
To aynone about to download this, just download one episode then check it out if it’s working or not before you waste your time.
Edit: I just tried to open it trough Aegisub and something odd happened, it says that the video format is YUV4MPEG wich is not a supported format.
Someone explain to me.
I use mpc-hc. There is nothing wrong. Have you tried any other players?
Yeah i tried multiple player but same result, however, I tried also to verify the files again trough biTtorent this time and they turned out to be crushed and unfinished (around 88% for each file) for some reason. they are working now just fine after both verifying and resuming downloading completed.
@Moozzi2 take a timeout please, or atleast accept some donations (even if it’s not much maybe)
Moozzi2 (uploader)
Can someone help me?
[Moozzi2] Yuri!!! on Ice (BD 1920x1080 x.264 FLACx2) - TV + Event + SP
Thank You~~
thanks a lot brooo.
can you upload STUDIO GHIBLI movies, I really want to download your version.
thank you for this release Moozzi2 :)
Thank you. Seed please.
Reseeding this now. For reseed requests or subtitle resources related to Moozzi2’s torrents please request in this discord: https://discord.gg/usjW27V
why is the size of this version less than the other one? is it better quality?
This one I mean ?? https://nyaa.si/view/970517
Reseeding this again. For reseed requests or subtitle resources related to Moozzi2’s torrents please request in this discord: https://discord.gg/usjW27V
Rest in Piss nigga.