Yeah it took me a while but I’m pretty satisfied.
It plays nicely on VLC, but if you use MPC-HC and notice lagg in the OP, it’s because MPC is retarded and can’t keep up with the subtitles (OP is styled with a color gradient).
If you notice any flaws or inconsistencies, let me now below.
ETA Ougi Dark: 30/08/2019
Comments - 14
This is awesome!! Thanks for the good work!
nice thanks XD
Finally you did it my boi
Hope to see Ougi Dark soon !
is this the same as zoku?
nope this one is just before zoku
Thanks a lot for this! Subs with OP/ED, with honorifics… all I ever wanted from monogatari
is there any update on the progress of Ougi Dark?
ToishY (uploader)
@Falsehood nope haven’t done anything yet… tbh it takes (too) much time/effort/frustration to make the releases this decent/good and I gain nothing from it so yeah … I’ll finish it eventually but I don’t know exactly when.
@ToishY oh damn i never noticed you responded. wow 2 months ago.
well i hope progress was made since then. the description did say at some point before sometime in August, so i look forward to it! you made the subs actually presentable! I really hate how official subbers don’t put any time into making them match the style of the show.
Can u please give post a drive lino for this because seeds and utorrent is just slow(other torrent working fine ass at 10 MBPS always.
Waiting for Ougi Dark :D
Waiting for Ougi Dark :D (2)
Also my thanks are not enough for such a great work of yours but I’ll thank you anyways.
ToishY (uploader)
@awesome123 Take this release instead, it includes the entire Owarimonogatari 2nd Season. I also suggest to use the xdelta patch in the description there to fix some small subtitle errors (or just take the updated subtitles whatever you find easier).