Spice and Wolf v1-v16 (Complete vodoo_12)

2019-06-07 15:47
File size:
1.6 GiB
Info hash:

Spice & Wolf Complete Volumes 1-16 (Digital)

Preferred Reader:
https://www.yacreader.com/downloads (for best results)
http://www.cdisplay.me/ (Looks Okayish)

Please seed :)


Have a nice day !

File list

  • Spice and Wolf
    • Spice & Wolf v01.cbz (132.6 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v02.cbz (130.1 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v03.cbz (129.6 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v04.cbz (132.0 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v05.cbz (101.1 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v06.cbz (108.0 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v07.cbz (100.5 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v08.cbz (91.2 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v09.cbz (91.3 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v10.cbz (88.0 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v11.cbz (87.1 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v12.cbz (89.4 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v13.cbz (71.5 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v14.cbz (78.1 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v15.cbz (80.1 MiB)
    • Spice & Wolf v16.cbz (110.3 MiB)

Did you fix the double pages?

Curious i already finsihed the series

Did you fix the double pages?

Curious i already finsihed the series

vodoo_12 (uploader)


@shellshock - I have collected the sources and compiled with little fix. I am not clear by your comment about the ‘fix for double pages’ Could you please elaborate ?

The double pages can be a problem of the manga reader, its possible

Don’t forget to use ComicRack and MComix for readers!!


Thanks for this!

vodoo_12 (uploader)


@SomaHeir - They are good as well but
ComicRack - Last Updated on 12/03/2016 (No updates in Last 3 years)
Mcomix - No installer. Only Portable Version Available.

I personally use YacReader and CDisplay which I consider to be the best in terms of display and interface.
Anyways Thank you for the recommendations :) You are welcome :)

or you can just avoid all the BS about what reader to use … by changing the .cbz file extension to .zip and then unzip the file with a common use program like WinRAR … then you have nice normal jpg or png pics that can be looked at with just about any normal pic viewer that usually comes free with just about all computers

You don’t even have to change the extension, at least if you are using 7zip (if not why aren’t you?) but the point of having it in an archive is the compressed file size and the integration with reader apps which have much more features than windows picture viewer. To be fair I’m sure most of those features would work if you try to read the raw image files in the comic reader but I’ve never tried because there’s no point to do that.

vodoo_12 (uploader)


@komugi , @Slysoft - You can unrar the files but it is only good when you are viewing on a laptop or PC. In case you want to carry a digital comic on your mobile devices for eg: if you are traveling somewhere so I consider carrying a cbz or cbr file is better than carrying lot of images as it is compact ! Anyways feel free to use the files according to your will :)

>I am not clear by your comment about the ‘fix for double pages’ Could you please elaborate ?
He probably wants to know whether the two-page spreads are stitched together or separate.

>Mcomix - No installer. Only Portable Version Available.
Why is this a problem?

vodoo_12 (uploader)


@XRA9 - There may be ! But not many in case if any !

Mcomix - No installer. Only Portable Version Available.
Why is this a problem?

No Problem !

Thx so much for this <3

Thanks!! It’s true that Comicrack and Mcomix haven’t had an update for 2-3 years now. But they still works like a charm

Mcomix has desktop version! I have it actually!.

Still, I will follow some of your recommendations as well!! There have been some minor problems reading Comicrack for me right now.

Also I tested your YAC Reader.

Looks great! Similar options as Comicrack.

But, do you know if there’s a bookmark page on the side to tell what page you are right now? I can’t seem to figure out what page I am when reading. Mcomix has a ribbon page on the left and Comicrack has a page counter everytime you turn into a new page.

Okay I figured it out. It’s “S” key which is “show go to flow”. I will experiment much more with the reader!

vodoo_12 (uploader)


@SomaHeir - Thank you friend ! :)

i used to unpack them too, but recently my preferred way of reading manga is by using continuous scrolling, like a lot of manga websites use, it’s perfect on mobile but funny enough on desktop too, i can just zoom in so i can read it easily and all i have to do is scroll, with an image viewer that is not possible.
BUT none of the comic readers i tried have this feature, it blows my mind, specially because all PDF readers have it, but those don’t read .zip, .cbz or .cbr files, all except for one, which is my preferred manga reader, it’s called SumatraPDF, but since it’s not a manga reader, it has no special manga reader features, but it does remember where you left off, it also has problems if the files are not numbered correctly, so i end up doing a lot of renaming.

P.S. MAL says the manga has finished publishing, so it’s complete, but the light novel version isn’t ? isn’t the manga usually made after the LN ? so is there gonna be a Spice and Wolf 2 manga ?

Thaaank you veerry muuch!!

These are all official digital translations right?

@SomaHeir @vodoo_12 The software you guys recommending is pretty big and RAM-eater. Have we ever heard about the MMCE ^_^ (easily finds on the internet)

YacReader gets the job done pretty well, and not to mention YacLibrary, such an easy way to organise and order your manga, pretty solid