Thought it would be here now for irony sake but I guess not. Found it somewhere else and only just renamed stuff to organize things better. Couldn’t find a name for it on mangaupdates so I just came up with a name myself. As the name suggests, it’s a collection of 16 4-page manga to educate people about the dangers of piracy since there will be a new law criminalizing downloading manga, among other things, coming into effect next year in Japan. Mostly from mangaka with long manga career or a short one with 2-3 manga series under their belt from what I can see. I think I only found one of them with a middling one of 5 series. Each 4-page manga is condensed into 1 jpeg read right to left since that was how the original source displayed it and I really didn’t want to work on separating them since it being 4th of July and all. Have all 3 formats of Japanese, English and Chinese for all 16 manga. Videos also added which acts like a vomic, video comic (does anyone still use this term), since those also show the manga in video format with stock music over it. Only found Japanese versions of these videos.
Will CODA succeed in stopping manga piracy where all other anti-piracy attempts have failed? Highly unlikely. To me, if they want to lessen piracy, create a service akin to video streaming that would support many mangaka at a low cost to the consumer with no censorship that appeases certain foreign nations. I said lessen because there really is no way to completely stop piracy. Create a service; not a deterrent.
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Comments - 6
A piracy release of giving advice on anti-priracy work that’s hilarious
Completely agree with what you said there. If there was a service like Netflix for manga, I would have loved to support the industry internationally but no point using something like shueisha cause its so bad with shitty translations and very little variety to offer compared to scanlated services.
Even the one PR who was anti-piracy is actually pirating an LN lol.
Nothing can stop piracy honestly.
If they took it to another level, the pirate will also do the same.
@anilogic You should upload the manga to mangadex.
this is funny lol