Japanese in MangaLand (vol. 1-3) + Kanji de Manga (vol. 1-6) - Japanese Language Learning

2020-07-28 06:55
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File size:
321.2 MiB
Info hash:

PLZ seed.

File list

  • Japanese in Mangaland + Kanji de Manga
    • Japanese in Mangaland - 1.pdf (73.1 MiB)
    • Japanese in Mangaland - 2.pdf (42.0 MiB)
    • Japanese in Mangaland - 3.pdf (61.9 MiB)
    • Japanese in Mangaland - Workbook 1.pdf (47.5 MiB)
    • Kanji de Manga (Hiragana & Katakana).pdf (8.4 MiB)
    • Kanji de Manga Vol.1.pdf (23.7 MiB)
    • Kanji de Manga Vol.2.pdf (22.3 MiB)
    • Kanji de Manga Vol.3.pdf (12.2 MiB)
    • Kanji de Manga Vol.4.pdf (11.0 MiB)
    • Kanji de Manga Vol.5.pdf (10.7 MiB)
    • Kanji de Manga Vol.6.pdf (8.6 MiB)

arigato gozaimasu :-)
these are a wonderful addition for anyone who wants to learn Japanese

that I remember (I used to have a complete set of them), there was one more workbook for the Japanese in Mangaland
and … if I remember correctly, there was also a complete English translation of one of the workbooks, that came out, and I think I might have a digital copy of that
goes off the search through all my old archive HDD’s

LOL, ok, I forgot how much of a nightmare digging through more than 10TB of old data scattered across 14 external HDD’s could be, but I found it, and, a few other Japanese language textbooks that I do not think I have ever seen show up in any of the other Japanese language book torrents that have shown up in here at various times

I zipped it all up using WinRAR, no password, no special settings, just a plain zip
and that I loaded it to a mega account so anyone can grab it

misc Japanese language texts

and it contains
The Real Japanese You were never Taught In School - Zakennayo!
101 Japanese Idioms Book
Dirty Japanese
Japanese in Mangaland - workbook 1 story translation
Japanese phrasebook
Kanji Mnemonics - Instruction Manual for Learning Japanese Characters
Remembering The Kana - Part 1 - Hiragana
Remembering The Kana - Part 2 - Katakana
Remembering the Kanji volume 1
Remembering the Kanji volume 2
Remembering the Kanji volume 3

yes a couple of the books are about how to swear and insult people in Japanese :-D
a great many years ago I was told by a language teacher, that you do not “really” know a language until you know how to insult people and swear at them in their own language :-p
(knowing the idiomatic expressions of that language is also very helpful)

Thank you very much to both Galios_Elvensong and dead_ferret.

Galios_Elvensong (uploader)


@dead_ferret, that’s a nice collection, thanks!

@ Galios_Elvensong
no problem, I’m glad I found those books when I was looking for the Japanese in Mangaland file I knew I had
if they are a help to people then that is great

feel free to add them in to a new torrent if you decide to make a new one later, I got them for free, so anyone can feel free to share them with anyone

oh, as I was doing some digging I found out that there was actually a total of 6 books in the Japanese in Mangaland series … all the ones you have, plus as I mentioned above, a second workbook, and, there was also a Kanji in Mangaland book that was part of the same set
I would love to be able to find the complete set in print, but from what I can find most all of them are out of print and have been for a long time :-(
that’s why I appreciate this batch you uploaded :-)

There exist also 3 more books of the type in “MANGA UNIVERSITY presents…” series:
Kana de Manga Special Edition: Shortcuts! Japanese Abbreviations and Contractions
Kana De Manga Special Edition: Japanese Sound FX!
Kanji De Manga: YojiJukugo