Nope, neither of them has ever had any homerelease. Ijiwaru Baa-san has never even been re-aired, while Wankorobe has been so once or twice. As it currently stands the only way to obtain them would be if someone recorded them when they aired.
Comments - 3
Do you have any way to get https://anidb.net/anime/3543 or https://anidb.net/anime/3093? Thanks for all your rare releases so far.
Sera (uploader)
Nope, neither of them has ever had any homerelease. Ijiwaru Baa-san has never even been re-aired, while Wankorobe has been so once or twice. As it currently stands the only way to obtain them would be if someone recorded them when they aired.
720p DDL: https://www.shiniori-raws.com/showthread.php?tid=77