Episode 25: BD vs WEB
The BD video had an additional scene of about 2 min length that was neither in my Eng_Dub_Source from [Golumpa] nor the Sub_Source from [GJM]. Therefor I had no English dub for that sequence and no subtitles. I insert the Japanese dub for that part into the English dub track and got English translations from a very helpful member on my discord (thank you ncras) to create subtitles for both audio versions. The sequence starts at 15:12 and ends at 17:00 so that’s where English dub viewers get to enjoy some sweet Japanese too for a change =).
The Ending song timing is also different. In the BD version the song starts after the last conversation where in the WEB version it started while they were still talking. I tried to play around with that to make the songs the same length but I couldn’t do it. So in the English dub there is a short section at the very end where there is no audio because the ending song starts earlier than in the BD version and therefor lasts not as long. Nothing too major.
I timed the ED-Lyrics in the two subtitle tracks according to the start of the singing so they show up at different times for English dub viewers and Japanese dub viewers. That’s why there is 2 ED chapters (one for Eng Dub and one for Jpn Dub) to accomodate for these different timings of the start of the singing.
In hindsight I should have put gifs in there too. Oh well, maybe for Railgun F if we get it or the spin-off of the spin-off Saten&Uiharu: Lowlevel Adventures that I am praying to god for before I go to sleep at night =)
Thanks for your feedback. I have found a solution to that 1 frame sub delay problem I have been having.
Get these files, extract the folder and put all video files into it. Then run the accompanying .bat. New files will be in the output folder. 1 Frame Sub Fix
@neoborn Will your two language option scripts work on other files too? Like I have a bunch of anime that has Audio: Eng Default and Subtitile: Signs/songs default, which is annoying as hell changing all of them manually on my plex, would your scripts work on them too?
This depends on the order of streams in your other files. Check the comments here where I explained this
If they have the same number of streams and are ordere like they are in my files, the script works without adjustments (see my stream order in link).
If the order and number of streams in your other files are different from my files you could easily adjust the script for that. It’s very easy to do.
Hit me up in Discord if you need help with that.
@neoborn thanks for the quick reply. It does seem like a lot of modern anime torrents have the same # of streams and are ordered like yours. I’ll definitely DM you on Discord if I need any assistance! Thanks for the great work.
Thanks you for your hard work!
Is there a way I can add/use the “edited-GJM” ass file for the subs instead of the usual “GJM”? (I have zero knowledge about it).
You sure can. I assume those use the exact same fonts so those are already in. You could either load the sub files directly with your player (usually in the subtitle menu section, context menu or whereever it is you can directly load different subtitles). Or you could mux those in (add them to the mkv video container) with mkvtoolnix.
You might have to time these to the BD though since GJM made the subs for the WEB video. You could do this in aegisub. In there you can shift around the subtitles timing so it fits the new video and after saving these edited subs, you can load them with the player or mux them with mkvtoolnix. Takes some practice but is not too hard.
thank you! managed to swap with edited-GJM, surprisingly only the 1st episode needed retiming, so far at least. then as well used your frame fix and everything worked out. appreciate your work!
Sometimes, I really wonder if people hate on official subs just because they’re official. Some of them are legitimately pretty good and devoid of the rampant localization that some fansubs tend to lean towards.
There are no low-size HEVC dual audio versions on nyaa that are based on bd. I have the first 2 seasons in my library but don’t exactly know where from and if they are bd versions. I might do them to replace the ones I already have in my library.
No honorifics or familial titles (Onee-sama), eh? Koroko saying “darling” is beyond stupid, nearly as stupid as her saying “sissy” in season 1 on CR…
"Sometimes, I really wonder if people hate on official subs just because they’re official. Some of them are legitimately pretty good and devoid of the rampant localization that some fansubs tend to lean towards."
Only dumb group I know that’s tried this and it blew up in their prick faces was CommieSubs. Haven’t ran into a single other group that didn’t at least edit official subs to include honorifics and better translate a handful of lines before releasing…
The “darling” / “onee-sama” thingie aside (I’d want to watch in JP+subs and I for one would definitely be using the edited .ass files even if it would take some work to insert - daaarling is too cringe for me, sorry lol), are the GJM subs decent?
Today, when I was cleaning up my disk spaces and was about to move To Aru Series into another storage, I rechecked everything I downloaded again…
And then I went back to this nyaa page, and read the comment about using the edited-GJM subs…
Well I tried and it worked wonders, so thanks for that particular comments, and neo’s advise about using which app to edit, cuz im totally new at this. There’s some scene whereas the timing was off, and most importantly, as said in all the comments above, GJM subs, even the edited one, aren’t created for the BD version, and so in episode 25, around the middle of the video there’s a new scene, and that will mess up the timing and whatnot… So I took the liberty of editing the subs my own… that said, editing something that doesn’t exist in the first place means I have to make it from the scratch, so instead of using the Edited-GJM, I extracted the one that are already in this encode… I know that the one used in this is GJM’s, but since this particular episode have a new scene, I named the file as Neo’s, and if anyone trace back to here, they should know it based on GJM…
I changed some sentence structures into much more closer to what was being talked in Japanese, some of which completely changed the meaning from what was originally translated, but the most noticeable thing would be how “ara ara”, “oh my” or “my” was put into the subs to increase the uniqueness of each respective characters, plus honorific was used the way the characters are calling each others (Onee-sama, Icchan, Micchan, Misaka-san, etc). That said, English is my second language, so I am sorry if there’s any grammar mistake. Especially on Kongou’s part, since she speak very gracefully, I had to restructure some of the sentences to match how she speak.
I learned a lot and had so much fun in doing this, even though my nihongo knowledge aren’t that good.
^ Well, GJM! (Good Job Mate! ;))
I haven’t made it to Railgun T yet, but I was thinking of getting the Gremlin subs from the 720p TV release of this and seeing how it would fit here (to this BD-sourced encode, that is).
I got the idea from doing exactly this for Accelerator (decided to watch that after the Sisters arc, and am at episode 3) - which was much less troublesome than was expected as all they needed was a +0.840 for the first episode and an even +1.000 for episodes 5-12. And that was that.
If you have the time and would be kind enough to check -I guess you have already finished your toaru marathon and cannot spoil yourself-, could you compare one episode’s GJM vs. Gremlin sub? Maybe E25, which you have just got to know intimately? wink
Because if Gremlin seems (at least to a modest degree) better, I may try to do the same for this Railgun season if the retiming is not too much of a hassle; and maybe upload to zippy or something.
But only if it’s worth the effort. The huge difference bw the 9.28 and 4.67 for the encodes’ ratings average (on anidb) seemed to suggest simply too big a difference to me to be coincidental. Then again; who knows…
@zhii sure mate.
But just a side note, as said before (in my gibberish english sentences, which i wrote while being exhausted af), BD version have a new new scene around the middle part of ep 25, so rather than timing, you probably have to reedit the sub using Aegisub.
I’ll get back to it real fast, but I still have to download the gremlin version of ep 25, and it seems like there’s not much seed/peer so i have to wait for a while…
@zhii I have compared both…
In term of translation quality, I wouldn’t say one is better than the other, but if we go by preferences, I would say I love Gremlin’s translation far better than GJM’s. The accuracy of translation of Gremlin is far better than GJM’s as they didn’t change the way japanese grammar are used, but GJM excel in subtitle’s styles and placement, as they even translate most of the sign/writing in the anime.
As such, I can say that:
Gremlin : Accurate translation close to Japanese language + honorific (E.g: Kuriba-kun is translated as Kuriba, because in nihongo, “-kun” is informal and casual, but “-san” are not, “-san” are akind of lower version of “-sama” which indicate respect, just in a different way. So I can really understand why Gremlin didn’t include “-kun” in their translation, but still include “-san”… thumbs up for this)
GJM : Pleasing font styles + placement + Sign/writing’s translation
As you can see, GJM subtitles looks really pleasing to the eye, it doesn’t obstruct the video much, but as you can see on the third link, they changed the meaning of what being said by misaka, which is supposed to be “It’s all thank to you, thank you” into “it’s all thank to you, really”. This is probably to avoid repetition, but to me its not really a repetition, and what Gremlin translate into are very true to what it’s supposed to mean. If you ask me, I would say it’s better to edit GJM’s sub using Gremlin’s translation as reference.
GJM really looks great with those signs and all, indeed good style and placement…
But editing and combing them together the way you suggested sounds like a real nightmare, lol… Also, the extracted GJM sub files are beasts - can’t even edit the bigger ones, at least with Subtitle Edit (maybe will try Aegisub), heck, E19’s sub is 60MB+. I guess nice placement and style comes with a price.
EDIT: Aegisub can handle them. But shit, no easy way I see to try adding the Gremlin sub to even the “only-Signs” track of GJM…
At any rate, I’m still as of yet indulging myself into some of the LNs recommended to read before Railgun T to get the most out of it, so gonna take a while.
Yeah, went and did it anyway coz…I’m stupid, or something, probably. xD
First off, gotta say, I enjoyed this season more than I was expecting to. I know that Index I-III are adapted from (light) novels and as such much harder to pull off right than something adapted from a spinoff manga series (hint: that’s Railgun)… But man, this side is so much better anime-wise. (TBH, I haven’t watched Index III yet, but from what I hear it’s by far the biggest trainwreck)
I’d recommend reading volume 15 (Battle Royale arc) of the Index light novels if you can as that actually makes things a fair bit more understandable here. The other recommended things are more hassle than their worth; in fact, here, lemme spoil the info without actually spoiling: Accelerator beat the shit out of the group featured in the last 5 episodes in this, some time prior (there - no need to watch the Accelerator anime), and there is an Aztec chick who is…good at camouflage, and through various circumstances knows and has a bond with Saten (there - no need to read Railgun Side Story 1).
So, without further ado: https://www117.zippyshare.com/v/2ecp27uT/file.html
Gremlin dialogue joined with the Signs & Songs subs track of GJM. Hoorah! Made to look decent (as far as a noob can), hopefully. Wasn’t a fun ride… lol
Thing to watch out for: Starlight Games (GJM signs)=Daihaseisai, but other than that, should be fine. Also, from what I’ve seen, the GJM subs have in fact a tendency to get way too liberal (for my taste) and that ‘darling’ and no-honorifics thing is not good; yet they were definitely way better than a 4.56/10. And Gremlin was defo not a 9+ almost perfect sub. Unless there is another reworked batch for the BD or something (I used the 720p non-BD release of theirs from here). In fact, I made some slight edits at parts where they clearly seemed iffy - in the latter episodes, by when I got used to things in the editor.
So thanks neoborn, also havis23. And ofc all credits go to GJM and Gremlin.
Oh yeah, important sidenote: these work with the “vanilla” downloaded mkv files from this torrent. I added the extra time to the subs’ timings (the 1 frame mentioned in the comments) through the editor. Later, after checking I could see that neoborn’s fix actually “stretches” the video frames or whatnot, so my subpack will not fit perfectly. You may try making the subs appear 0.04 seconds earlier in your media player of choice, but no promises. Maybe (probably…) there is an easy fix via changing and re-running the .bat file in the fix from neoborn to reverse the changes, but I’ll leave that in the hands of someone more capable.
At any rate, I hope this wasn’t just a big, unnecessary time-sinker on my part, and there are actually people wanting the JP voices and the best possible subs. Honestly, I can see that subs seem to be getting out of fashion, since -I guess- dubs are just…easier? I don’t know, I may be just becoming a grumpy (fair bit)post-teen casual anime watcher, but the original should be the way to go most of the time, imho. I watched some parts in English just for comparison’s sake, and I fully admit it was more decent than I had expected, still. The original voices were (sometimes way) better. Poor Saten was the biggest offender dub-wise, probably.
Maybe I’m biased, though. Heck, I actually even appreciate Kuroko’s JP voice (trust me, she will grow on you lol).
Also “Sissy”…
Can’t wait for the recently put together ‘AB-RMX’ release (which has Gremlin for x265 BD -though I dunno if they touched it up or edited anything- in it) to somehow, miraculously, against all odds make it to nyaa in a few days, just for Fate to have a laugh at my expense… xD
PS: some of the “next episode previews” are quite funny, don’t miss them. Also, just for the sake of completion, anyone knows a place to find the MMR VI extra?
Hmm, just realized that zippyshare could appear kinda scary without an adblocker (though I assume everyone’s using one, right? RIGHT?! (hint: you should - and get one if you hadn’t yet))… Oh well.
Thanks for your efforts! Don’t worry your work will never be for nothing. At a minimum you gathered experience in handling subtitles and their tools and you might even pick up a new hobby in tinkering with subs :) Thats how I started at least investing some time in subtitles here and there, timing some lines and creating some signs ts every once in a while :> If you value your time however, try and not fall down too deep the rabbit hole or you spend the rest of your days in aegisubs instead of watching actual animu.
Gehehe, yes, that rabbit hole needs to be feared…
Also, I used Subtitle Edit for the most part, though couldn’t really recommend one over the other, since e.g. only Aegisubs was able to handle the 20MB+ .ass files. I actually restyled( and -positioned) a very little bit the subs font too, so it’s not that übergross pinkish-reddish yuck for the Gremlin dialogue, and more like an enhanced GJM now.
One last thing, everyone should check the Railgun manga’s Ch. 97.5 after watching this (hint: mangadex).
This was a fantastic set, however in so many episodes there were a bunch of grammar and spelling errors I noticed, it doesn’t kill the episodes but it is something that may throw someone off for a few seconds. That’s my ONLY concern/complaint, aside from that thank you so much for this release!
Episode 25 Directors Cut complete English dub
The situation described in my first comment has been resolved through an upload of a full ENG dub track for the directors cut.
I muxed it in and adjusted the [Signs & Songs] subtitles track to not show subtitles for that part anymore.
To apply the patch, follow instructions below: make sure your file has this exact name before applying the script: A Certain Scientific Railgun - S03E25.mkv Extract -> Copy EP 25 into the folder and run the script depending on your OS (3.Apply Patch-Windows.bat for Windows)
Somebody asked me where I got this audio track from because it’s not available anymore on nyaa. I put it on gdrive in it’s original state (pre AAC downmix encode) in case anybody was looking for it:
I sure hope it wasn’t my mixer-upper subpack that you used and had that experience. I would have to prepare a ritualistic sword and accidentally fall unto it, were that the case. I mean I think I caught at least a portion of those…
That said. Since my poor little lost-in-my-wall-of-text upload hasn’t seen action since 2021/10/27, I guess it “waznt me!” lol
Also, thanks neo for doing them updates, still. Also also, that OP is damn gorgeous, still still.
EDIT: aww shit, I looked at the ‘uploaded’ and not the ‘last download’ date… Means I’m in danger of accidental seppuku after all!! xD
I just came back here to recommend this encode my friend who probably gonna start watching To Aru series, and now I saw that @zhii really went and did it, Congrats!
I’ll be saving your works in my precious stashes…!
I just watched the files in the “Goodies” folder - at 1:37 till around the end of AMV1 - where can I find this scene? (the one Saten wears “idol” costume, Kuroko in wheelchair)
Never mind - just found it - at my “To watch list” - (In the movie of Index - ‘Endymion no Kiseki’) - No wonder I couldn’t remember this scene…
Heh great you found it. I couldn’t have told you because I stood way clear of anything index related after I’ve seen index season 1. Didn’t like index at all (character and show >_<)
Thank you for this!!! I love how much effort was put into this ♡
Btw, I loooove those amvs!! I remember them from long ago!! I’m pretty sure there was another one from the series of the first 2! (nvm, found it on yt)
Saten best girl!
Comments - 65
neoborn (uploader)
Episode 25: BD vs WEB
The BD video had an additional scene of about 2 min length that was neither in my Eng_Dub_Source from [Golumpa] nor the Sub_Source from [GJM]. Therefor I had no English dub for that sequence and no subtitles. I insert the Japanese dub for that part into the English dub track and got English translations from a very helpful member on my discord (thank you ncras) to create subtitles for both audio versions. The sequence starts at 15:12 and ends at 17:00 so that’s where English dub viewers get to enjoy some sweet Japanese too for a change =).
The Ending song timing is also different. In the BD version the song starts after the last conversation where in the WEB version it started while they were still talking. I tried to play around with that to make the songs the same length but I couldn’t do it. So in the English dub there is a short section at the very end where there is no audio because the ending song starts earlier than in the BD version and therefor lasts not as long. Nothing too major.
I timed the ED-Lyrics in the two subtitle tracks according to the start of the singing so they show up at different times for English dub viewers and Japanese dub viewers. That’s why there is 2 ED chapters (one for Eng Dub and one for Jpn Dub) to accomodate for these different timings of the start of the singing.
well now THATS a description
@neoborn thank you for the amazing work
The description looks dope af – took me a while to realize how you did it :P
neoborn (uploader)
In hindsight I should have put gifs in there too. Oh well, maybe for Railgun F if we get it or the spin-off of the spin-off Saten&Uiharu: Lowlevel Adventures that I am praying to god for before I go to sleep at night =)
Ok this is epic
Guess I’ll start watching the series then. Been putting it off for years.
glorious description haha. the gap before mal link was intended i assume.
@neohevc wow that description is the best ever!! required alot work too much for me lol
Wut a guy/gal/they. All this for a Torrent. He/she/them deserves a medal.
neoborn (uploader)
Not just any torrent. Railgun is near and dear to me =) <3

There shouldn’t be any gaps :(
At least I don’t have any on my PC Chrome browser.
firefox on android here atm. there is a “white blank line”, probably all desktop browsers will be fine. ;)
neoborn (uploader)
You are right, on my phone chrome I have them too!
Damn you phoooooooones!
Anyway, unlike in real life, this is where you don’t mind the gap for once :S
Can You Upload The US Scans
Whoa, the amount of love put into this is mind blowing!
m(_ _)m
Great job on that last episode
Wow, just wow, Great work. Saten #1.
No Motto Marutto Railgun? smh
Wow Awesome work on the description i love this series and your uploads are perfect
The subs are off by one frame. You see it when a sign pop up onscreen earlier than it should.
Nice description! Love it, make me think of all the nicely done descriptions on BakaBT.
Thank you!
Thank you, nice encode and presentation, good job.
neoborn (uploader)
Thanks for your feedback. I have found a solution to that 1 frame sub delay problem I have been having.
Get these files, extract the folder and put all video files into it. Then run the accompanying .bat. New files will be in the output folder.
1 Frame Sub Fix
Well between Sissy and Darling I much prefer Darling for onee-sama. Thanks for the upload finally it’s not jarring to watch Rialgun T! ^^
damn this is fancy
@neoborn Will your two language option scripts work on other files too? Like I have a bunch of anime that has Audio: Eng Default and Subtitile: Signs/songs default, which is annoying as hell changing all of them manually on my plex, would your scripts work on them too?
neoborn (uploader)
This depends on the order of streams in your other files. Check the comments here where I explained this
If they have the same number of streams and are ordere like they are in my files, the script works without adjustments (see my stream order in link).
If the order and number of streams in your other files are different from my files you could easily adjust the script for that. It’s very easy to do.
Hit me up in Discord if you need help with that.
@neoborn thanks for the quick reply. It does seem like a lot of modern anime torrents have the same # of streams and are ordered like yours. I’ll definitely DM you on Discord if I need any assistance! Thanks for the great work.
You look passionate, guess I’ll download this one instead…
Thanks you for your hard work!
Is there a way I can add/use the “edited-GJM” ass file for the subs instead of the usual “GJM”? (I have zero knowledge about it).
neoborn (uploader)
You sure can. I assume those use the exact same fonts so those are already in. You could either load the sub files directly with your player (usually in the subtitle menu section, context menu or whereever it is you can directly load different subtitles). Or you could mux those in (add them to the mkv video container) with mkvtoolnix.
You might have to time these to the BD though since GJM made the subs for the WEB video. You could do this in aegisub. In there you can shift around the subtitles timing so it fits the new video and after saving these edited subs, you can load them with the player or mux them with mkvtoolnix. Takes some practice but is not too hard.
thank you! managed to swap with edited-GJM, surprisingly only the 1st episode needed retiming, so far at least. then as well used your frame fix and everything worked out. appreciate your work!
@hoekage would you mind sharing your swapped out version? Can’t seem to download all of the dated edited-GJM subs for myself
Sometimes, I really wonder if people hate on official subs just because they’re official. Some of them are legitimately pretty good and devoid of the rampant localization that some fansubs tend to lean towards.
neoborn (uploader)
if you like this one, check out these other ones here
any plan for the rest of this series? (Toaru)
neoborn (uploader)
There are no low-size HEVC dual audio versions on nyaa that are based on bd. I have the first 2 seasons in my library but don’t exactly know where from and if they are bd versions. I might do them to replace the ones I already have in my library.
I’m looking forward to your releases. <3
This could help: https://www.reddit.com/r/toarumajutsunoindex/comments/ggexo5/railgun_t_tvbd_full_screenshot_comparisons_vol_1/
Some are pretty bad. It’s worse what they do with the english dub though at times.
No honorifics or familial titles (Onee-sama), eh? Koroko saying “darling” is beyond stupid, nearly as stupid as her saying “sissy” in season 1 on CR…
"Sometimes, I really wonder if people hate on official subs just because they’re official. Some of them are legitimately pretty good and devoid of the rampant localization that some fansubs tend to lean towards."
Only dumb group I know that’s tried this and it blew up in their prick faces was CommieSubs. Haven’t ran into a single other group that didn’t at least edit official subs to include honorifics and better translate a handful of lines before releasing…
The “darling” / “onee-sama” thingie aside (I’d want to watch in JP+subs and I for one would definitely be using the edited .ass files even if it would take some work to insert - daaarling is too cringe for me, sorry lol), are the GJM subs decent?
Again, glorious descriptoon btw!
Today, when I was cleaning up my disk spaces and was about to move To Aru Series into another storage, I rechecked everything I downloaded again…
And then I went back to this nyaa page, and read the comment about using the edited-GJM subs…
Well I tried and it worked wonders, so thanks for that particular comments, and neo’s advise about using which app to edit, cuz im totally new at this. There’s some scene whereas the timing was off, and most importantly, as said in all the comments above, GJM subs, even the edited one, aren’t created for the BD version, and so in episode 25, around the middle of the video there’s a new scene, and that will mess up the timing and whatnot… So I took the liberty of editing the subs my own… that said, editing something that doesn’t exist in the first place means I have to make it from the scratch, so instead of using the Edited-GJM, I extracted the one that are already in this encode… I know that the one used in this is GJM’s, but since this particular episode have a new scene, I named the file as Neo’s, and if anyone trace back to here, they should know it based on GJM…
I changed some sentence structures into much more closer to what was being talked in Japanese, some of which completely changed the meaning from what was originally translated, but the most noticeable thing would be how “ara ara”, “oh my” or “my” was put into the subs to increase the uniqueness of each respective characters, plus honorific was used the way the characters are calling each others (Onee-sama, Icchan, Micchan, Misaka-san, etc). That said, English is my second language, so I am sorry if there’s any grammar mistake. Especially on Kongou’s part, since she speak very gracefully, I had to restructure some of the sentences to match how she speak.
I learned a lot and had so much fun in doing this, even though my nihongo knowledge aren’t that good.
I am putting it here in case anyone would need it later on: https://mega.nz/file/HLhhja6a#XwRqflXLbt1MFEhoBp07cVSqSGA5iHJSHoMy6wOktic
^ Well, GJM! (Good Job Mate! ;))
I haven’t made it to Railgun T yet, but I was thinking of getting the Gremlin subs from the 720p TV release of this and seeing how it would fit here (to this BD-sourced encode, that is).
I got the idea from doing exactly this for Accelerator (decided to watch that after the Sisters arc, and am at episode 3) - which was much less troublesome than was expected as all they needed was a +0.840 for the first episode and an even +1.000 for episodes 5-12. And that was that.
If you have the time and would be kind enough to check -I guess you have already finished your toaru marathon and cannot spoil yourself-, could you compare one episode’s GJM vs. Gremlin sub? Maybe E25, which you have just got to know intimately? wink
Because if Gremlin seems (at least to a modest degree) better, I may try to do the same for this Railgun season if the retiming is not too much of a hassle; and maybe upload to zippy or something.
But only if it’s worth the effort. The huge difference bw the 9.28 and 4.67 for the encodes’ ratings average (on anidb) seemed to suggest simply too big a difference to me to be coincidental. Then again; who knows…
@zhii sure mate.
But just a side note, as said before (in my gibberish english sentences, which i wrote while being exhausted af), BD version have a new new scene around the middle part of ep 25, so rather than timing, you probably have to reedit the sub using Aegisub.
I’ll get back to it real fast, but I still have to download the gremlin version of ep 25, and it seems like there’s not much seed/peer so i have to wait for a while…
@zhii I have compared both…
In term of translation quality, I wouldn’t say one is better than the other, but if we go by preferences, I would say I love Gremlin’s translation far better than GJM’s. The accuracy of translation of Gremlin is far better than GJM’s as they didn’t change the way japanese grammar are used, but GJM excel in subtitle’s styles and placement, as they even translate most of the sign/writing in the anime.
As such, I can say that:
Gremlin : Accurate translation close to Japanese language + honorific (E.g: Kuriba-kun is translated as Kuriba, because in nihongo, “-kun” is informal and casual, but “-san” are not, “-san” are akind of lower version of “-sama” which indicate respect, just in a different way. So I can really understand why Gremlin didn’t include “-kun” in their translation, but still include “-san”… thumbs up for this)
GJM : Pleasing font styles + placement + Sign/writing’s translation
These are my screenshot comparison:
As you can see, GJM subtitles looks really pleasing to the eye, it doesn’t obstruct the video much, but as you can see on the third link, they changed the meaning of what being said by misaka, which is supposed to be “It’s all thank to you, thank you” into “it’s all thank to you, really”. This is probably to avoid repetition, but to me its not really a repetition, and what Gremlin translate into are very true to what it’s supposed to mean. If you ask me, I would say it’s better to edit GJM’s sub using Gremlin’s translation as reference.
^ Thanks, friend!
…Well, that’s tough.
GJM really looks great with those signs and all, indeed good style and placement…
But editing and combing them together the way you suggested sounds like a real nightmare, lol… Also, the extracted GJM sub files are beasts - can’t even edit the bigger ones, at least with Subtitle Edit (maybe will try Aegisub), heck, E19’s sub is 60MB+. I guess nice placement and style comes with a price.
EDIT: Aegisub can handle them. But shit, no easy way I see to try adding the Gremlin sub to even the “only-Signs” track of GJM…
At any rate, I’m still as of yet indulging myself into some of the LNs recommended to read before Railgun T to get the most out of it, so gonna take a while.
Yeah, went and did it anyway coz…I’m stupid, or something, probably. xD
First off, gotta say, I enjoyed this season more than I was expecting to. I know that Index I-III are adapted from (light) novels and as such much harder to pull off right than something adapted from a spinoff manga series (hint: that’s Railgun)… But man, this side is so much better anime-wise. (TBH, I haven’t watched Index III yet, but from what I hear it’s by far the biggest trainwreck)
I’d recommend reading volume 15 (Battle Royale arc) of the Index light novels if you can as that actually makes things a fair bit more understandable here. The other recommended things are more hassle than their worth; in fact, here, lemme spoil the info without actually spoiling: Accelerator beat the shit out of the group featured in the last 5 episodes in this, some time prior (there - no need to watch the Accelerator anime), and there is an Aztec chick who is…good at camouflage, and through various circumstances knows and has a bond with Saten (there - no need to read Railgun Side Story 1).
So, without further ado:
Gremlin dialogue joined with the Signs & Songs subs track of GJM. Hoorah! Made to look decent (as far as a noob can), hopefully. Wasn’t a fun ride… lol
Thing to watch out for: Starlight Games (GJM signs)=Daihaseisai, but other than that, should be fine. Also, from what I’ve seen, the GJM subs have in fact a tendency to get way too liberal (for my taste) and that ‘darling’ and no-honorifics thing is not good; yet they were definitely way better than a 4.56/10. And Gremlin was defo not a 9+ almost perfect sub. Unless there is another reworked batch for the BD or something (I used the 720p non-BD release of theirs from here). In fact, I made some slight edits at parts where they clearly seemed iffy - in the latter episodes, by when I got used to things in the editor.
So thanks neoborn, also havis23. And ofc all credits go to GJM and Gremlin.
Oh yeah, important sidenote: these work with the “vanilla” downloaded mkv files from this torrent. I added the extra time to the subs’ timings (the 1 frame mentioned in the comments) through the editor. Later, after checking I could see that neoborn’s fix actually “stretches” the video frames or whatnot, so my subpack will not fit perfectly. You may try making the subs appear 0.04 seconds earlier in your media player of choice, but no promises. Maybe (probably…) there is an easy fix via changing and re-running the .bat file in the fix from neoborn to reverse the changes, but I’ll leave that in the hands of someone more capable.
At any rate, I hope this wasn’t just a big, unnecessary time-sinker on my part, and there are actually people wanting the JP voices and the best possible subs. Honestly, I can see that subs seem to be getting out of fashion, since -I guess- dubs are just…easier? I don’t know, I may be just becoming a grumpy (fair bit)post-teen casual anime watcher, but the original should be the way to go most of the time, imho. I watched some parts in English just for comparison’s sake, and I fully admit it was more decent than I had expected, still. The original voices were (sometimes way) better. Poor Saten was the biggest offender dub-wise, probably.
Maybe I’m biased, though. Heck, I actually even appreciate Kuroko’s JP voice (trust me, she will grow on you lol).
Also “Sissy”…
Can’t wait for the recently put together ‘AB-RMX’ release (which has Gremlin for x265 BD -though I dunno if they touched it up or edited anything- in it) to somehow, miraculously, against all odds make it to nyaa in a few days, just for Fate to have a laugh at my expense… xD
PS: some of the “next episode previews” are quite funny, don’t miss them. Also, just for the sake of completion, anyone knows a place to find the MMR VI extra?
Hmm, just realized that zippyshare could appear kinda scary without an adblocker (though I assume everyone’s using one, right? RIGHT?! (hint: you should - and get one if you hadn’t yet))… Oh well.
neoborn (uploader)
Thanks for your efforts! Don’t worry your work will never be for nothing. At a minimum you gathered experience in handling subtitles and their tools and you might even pick up a new hobby in tinkering with subs :) Thats how I started at least investing some time in subtitles here and there, timing some lines and creating some signs ts every once in a while :> If you value your time however, try and not fall down too deep the rabbit hole or you spend the rest of your days in aegisubs instead of watching actual animu.
Gehehe, yes, that rabbit hole needs to be feared…
Also, I used Subtitle Edit for the most part, though couldn’t really recommend one over the other, since e.g. only Aegisubs was able to handle the 20MB+ .ass files. I actually restyled( and -positioned) a very little bit the subs font too, so it’s not that übergross pinkish-reddish yuck for the Gremlin dialogue, and more like an enhanced GJM now.
One last thing, everyone should check the Railgun manga’s Ch. 97.5 after watching this (hint: mangadex).
This was a fantastic set, however in so many episodes there were a bunch of grammar and spelling errors I noticed, it doesn’t kill the episodes but it is something that may throw someone off for a few seconds. That’s my ONLY concern/complaint, aside from that thank you so much for this release!
neoborn (uploader)
Episode 25 Directors Cut complete English dub
The situation described in my first comment has been resolved through an upload of a full ENG dub track for the directors cut.
I muxed it in and adjusted the [Signs & Songs] subtitles track to not show subtitles for that part anymore.
To apply the patch, follow instructions below:
make sure your file has this exact name before applying the script: A Certain Scientific Railgun - S03E25.mkv
Extract -> Copy EP 25 into the folder and run the script depending on your OS (3.Apply Patch-Windows.bat for Windows)
🔗 Episode 25 ENG Track Full (xDelta-Patch)
neoborn (uploader)
Somebody asked me where I got this audio track from because it’s not available anymore on nyaa. I put it on gdrive in it’s original state (pre AAC downmix encode) in case anybody was looking for it:
🔗 A Certain Scientific Railgun S03E25 - ENG dub.mka, DolbyTrueHD 6Ch, 267MB
🔗 Mediainfo
I sure hope it wasn’t my mixer-upper subpack that you used and had that experience. I would have to prepare a ritualistic sword and accidentally fall unto it, were that the case. I mean I think I caught at least a portion of those…
That said. Since my poor little lost-in-my-wall-of-text upload hasn’t seen action since 2021/10/27, I guess it “waznt me!” lol
Also, thanks neo for doing them updates, still. Also also, that OP is damn gorgeous, still still.
EDIT: aww shit, I looked at the ‘uploaded’ and not the ‘last download’ date… Means I’m in danger of accidental seppuku after all!! xD
Wow. Your description is a beautiful Artwork, same with Season 1+2 post. Thanks, 1st time watching this anime.
I just came back here to recommend this encode my friend who probably gonna start watching To Aru series, and now I saw that @zhii really went and did it, Congrats!
I’ll be saving your works in my precious stashes…!
thank you very much
I just watched the files in the “Goodies” folder - at 1:37 till around the end of AMV1 - where can I find this scene? (the one Saten wears “idol” costume, Kuroko in wheelchair)
Never mind - just found it - at my “To watch list” - (In the movie of Index - ‘Endymion no Kiseki’) - No wonder I couldn’t remember this scene…
neoborn (uploader)
Heh great you found it. I couldn’t have told you because I stood way clear of anything index related after I’ve seen index season 1. Didn’t like index at all (character and show >_<)
Thank you for this!!! I love how much effort was put into this ♡
Btw, I loooove those amvs!! I remember them from long ago!! I’m pretty sure there was another one from the series of the first 2! (nvm, found it on yt)
Saten best girl!
Domo arigato gozaimasu!
I love you