## Subtítulos / Subtitles:
Español Latino
Brazilian Portuguese
## Nuestro Discord / Our Discord:
Visítanos para hablar, ver memes, reírnos un poco...
Visit us so we can talk, watch memes, have a laugh...
## Créditos / Credits:
Encoder: Howling Wolf & Chelsea
Crunchyroll subs: DKB Team (https://discord.gg/ZBQCQ7u)
## Donaciones / Donations:
Si quieres que siga haciendo estos encodes el próximo mes, me vendría muy bien su donación para poder mantener los pagos del seedbox y del conversor online.
If you want me to continue making these encodes next month, I could use your donation to keep the payments for the seedbox and the online converter.
BTC: 32txPXC65cmEUwBkzkpxpohmGtsKiV7zGL
## Tips para cubanos:
Si estás en Cuba y quieres bajar estos videos, puedes usar sitios en la nube para leechear los videos y luego bajarlos.
Mis recomendaciones:
LoadBT (2GB gratis) (si usas este enlace, obtienes 500MB adicionales): https://www.loadbt.com/c/1287710381
Seedr (2GB gratis): https://www.seedr.cc/?r=1213855
TorrentSafe (1GB gratis, no requiere cuenta): https://www.torrentsafe.com/es/
**Saludos desde Cuba**
**Greetings from Cuba**
The problem of "torrenting" in Cuba is the protocol itself...
You can simply use cloud torrent services and done. Also, Cuba is not the only country in the world where people has no direct torrent access, so these tips can also help others.
Actually, in order to make the torrents, we must do everything on the cloud, so a seedbox is required for both, sharing AND create the torrent itself.
Comments - 2
MinimalSizeVideosForCuba (uploader)