book info & reviews
original scanner Doodleboi
edited, some pages rescanned by deux.
The mid 2000s marked the worst period for manga covers in the US . Take a look at this one you know what I mean.
Comments - 3
Wow! Thank you so much for this along with Ultimate Muscle. I love your uploads. And take your time with A broken dream. How many more chapters do you need to do? Also, do you have Heart of Thomas and have plans to scan?
ryosabeya (uploader)
Around 3 or 4 more chapters but they’re long so like half of the book.The book size is a bit larger than regular so scanning one page at a time takes more time than usual. And I took a break from buying books from 2007-2015 so I missed out on Thomas and such during this period of time. But Toronto local libraries have few copies of them to grab for scan.But I don’t plan on scanning anything anytime soon. These are old works from years ago. Tbh I’m tempted to steal Thomas Lol
they even have Viz’s Orochi too
Very tempting LOL
ryosabeya (uploader)
there’s a blog which scans official UM, I forgot their name or if they’re still around. Maybe if you search hard enough you’ll find more volumes.