Video: [sergey_krs]
Subs : [Commie]
- Resynced subs,ts
- most of the eps were out of the sync. also simple shifting 1s forward/backward wasn’t enough for some episodes those were retimed line by line(as best i could :3)
- merged opera’s lyrics from [AnimeNOW] in EP13 also removed ED of this ep cuz it was left incomplete by commie
- Slightly restyled the op and ed
- life would have been more easier if animetosho had fetched the attachments :")
Report if you have found any issue and be awesome by helping in seeding. :)
Please use only MPV. All my releases are meant to play on MPV player only. Don’t report issue with other players.
You can also contact me at telegram / discord for seeding issue or any other issues you are facing in my release.
Thank you!
Comments - 10
yukinoshita8776 (uploader)
@xell17 ops ?
Thanks xD
yukinoshita8776 (uploader)
@yuri1 Welcome ?
Like the naming scheme.
yukinoshita8776 (uploader)
@Kaori_Miyazono Good to hear. <3 ( It’s my personal preference which will never change :D )
Thank youu .Plan to release sequel?
yukinoshita8776 (uploader)
@Fares Welcome <3.
‘K: Return of Kings’ is already done by kBaraka
You can grab his release from here
Thank you
yukinoshita8776 (uploader)
@Poorfag_Freak Most welcome. <3