[neoHEVC+] A Certain Scientific Railgun [Season 1 + 2 + OVA + MMR] [BD 1080p x265 HEVC AAC] [Dual Audio] Toaru Kagaku no Railgun

2021-06-30 18:02
File size:
14.6 GiB
Info hash:

File list

  • [neoHEVC] A Certain Scientific Railgun [Season 1 + 2 + OVA + MMR] [BD 1080p x265 HEVC AAC] [Dual Audio]
    • Language Options
      • 1. Change [Default Tracks].bat (283 Bytes)
      • 2. Make [Single Audio] Japanese.bat (124 Bytes)
      • mkvmerge.exe (9.6 MiB)
      • mkvpropedit.exe (5.1 MiB)
      • readme.txt (486 Bytes)
    • Season 1
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E01.mkv (293.7 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E02.mkv (239.0 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E03.mkv (277.2 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E04.mkv (354.9 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E05.mkv (228.9 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E06.mkv (238.0 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E07.mkv (260.9 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E08.mkv (204.4 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E09.mkv (228.2 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E10.mkv (241.5 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E11.mkv (286.6 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E12.mkv (328.4 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E13.mkv (259.6 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E14.mkv (400.8 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E15.mkv (194.8 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E16.mkv (265.1 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E17.mkv (221.6 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E18.mkv (211.7 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E19.mkv (210.5 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E20.mkv (219.7 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E21.mkv (187.6 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E22.mkv (192.1 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E23.mkv (230.1 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S01E24.mkv (318.7 MiB)
    • Season 2
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E01.mkv (336.3 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E02.mkv (268.8 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E03.mkv (259.7 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E04.mkv (313.2 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E05.mkv (302.5 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E06.mkv (272.2 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E07.mkv (279.6 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E08.mkv (332.6 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E09.mkv (421.5 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E10.mkv (389.5 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E11.mkv (471.6 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E12.mkv (334.8 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E13.mkv (299.5 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E14.mkv (302.3 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E15.mkv (423.0 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E16.mkv (390.9 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E17.mkv (367.1 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E18.mkv (361.6 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E19.mkv (382.4 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E20.mkv (407.2 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E21.mkv (244.2 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E22.mkv (245.0 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E23.mkv (296.3 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S02E24.mkv (450.6 MiB)
    • Specials
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S00E01 - (S1S1 MMR1).mkv (28.0 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S00E02 - (S1S2 MMR2).mkv (34.3 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S00E04 - (S1 OVA Misaka-san wa Ima Chuumoku no Mato Desu kara).mkv (425.8 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S00E07 - (S2S1 MMR3).mkv (86.4 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S00E08 - (S1S2 MMR4).mkv (92.5 MiB)
      • A Certain Scientific Railgun - S00E12 - (S3S1 MMR5).mkv (69.3 MiB)

While I’m very happy about this is there any reason you didn’t include S00E09

neoborn (uploader)


Mhh now that you mention it, I have vague memories of noticing another episode while going over the tvdb numbering. Must have forgotten about it after seeing its only a 6min episode. Is it any good? The title implies fanservice only with bathhouses and I ususally skip over these :O

That’s basically what it is nothing of value other than fanservice/completion

neoborn (uploader)


Ok I will give it a shot and add it here. If they lewd Saten-San I will be upset though!

But… Saten always lewds Uiharu, even in public. She should get as good as she gives.
Also, thanks for all the hard work. That 1-frame sub patch you made for the other seasons was extra cool of you.

neoborn (uploader)


Well yes but Saten just looks for herself and doesn’t show it off to the world. Also she has no power so she is allowed at least that :(
The 1fps is not needed here and was only needed because I messed up things on my end in some special way :S. I wen’t through every single subtitle file here and made sure that everything fits.
In [Season 1] I also modified many signs with additional blur to make them blend in better, applied motion tracking data for moving sings and unified a couple reappearing signs that have seen changes throughout the season. I hope everything fits :) My complete rewatch is already planned! If you find anything wrong don’t hesitate to comment!

Either give me Saten or nothin’ at all.



So Fast <3

I hate to say this, but the video quality doesn’t look nearly as nice as your season 3 encode. It’s soft & blurry. Even Cleo’s 720p encode looks nicer than this. Hope it’s just my system.

Thank you for naming them the way you do. Makes it easier to add it to my plex!



this the true BDs quality. Cleo used a source from idk Mozzie or Elysium stuff, which is full of filters.

@COD Well, they are right

You’re amazing. Period.

Ah, that explains it. I knew it had to be something. Thank you for explaining it.

neoborn (uploader)


Yeah season 1 is like this. Thats also the reason why Season 1 is generally a bit lower in filesizes. Blurry things can be compressed more than sharp detailed things without it looking aweful afterwards. Or thats my experience at least.

I have to say I like the style of Season 1 better than Season 2 and 3 for that reason. Season 2 and 3 looks a little plastic/unnatural to me at times, if that makes sense :S

I’m using plex too and am always happy when I download other things that can be integrated as is, too :) That’s why I wanted to do it like this too so not everybody has to go and figure out the S00E naming on tvdb all over again \o/


Why do you have the specials labeled as “season 0”?
Where are the other ones?

The only specials I currently have are Motto Marutto Railgun - III, Motto Marutto Railgun - IV and Toaru Kagaku no Railgun - 13.5 - Entenka no Satsuei Model mo Raku Ja Arimasen wa ne. (first 2 from [UTW-Mazui] and the last from [Judgment])



I think S01 needs a good AviSynth script to improve the quality. similar to (пока)'s release of Index S01.

Man I thought you will not be releasing all railgun since you just offered english audio DDL in discord. Thanks! time to replace the huge flac.

Whoa!!! Another work of art! Thank you so much for uploading the entire season of this wonderful anime in a convenient package and its Dual Audio too which is simply fantastic!
Keep up the good work!


"The specials are numbered after thetvdb which makes it easy for media servers (like plex or emby) to integrate."
Can’t say I’ve ever heard of this thetvdb before.

any idea where the specials listed as 10 and 11 can be found? (no specials 5 or 6?)

neoborn (uploader)


I have no idea. Sometimes the episode numbering on thetvdb just skips a couple numbers in specials but I don’t really understand why. Also I have no idea what 10 & 11 are. They are listed without a runtime which is strange.

I usually use myanimelist to track down everything from a franchise and afterwards go to thetvdb to number everything and see what’s what. But I only look for things I found on MAL first. If there’s something on thetvdb that I couldn’t find on MAL (like here with 10 & 11) I don’t do further research.

S00E13 is MMR 6 which wasn’t out yet. Will add it in the comments once I get a hold of it.

Maybe somebody can translate the title for entry 10 & 11.

Thank you, great encode as always.

Really appreciate how you structured everything so it can be dropped right into Plex. Awesome description as well. Thank you!

can you give the full image/gif you used in the description? it’s really cool.

neoborn (uploader)


This (3448x8000px 2.3 MB) is the original picture. I don’t have a full edited version as a gif with all the little sparks and lightning since I cut it and drew/added them for every slice seperately. Hope that is what you were looking for.

Can you also share textless nced and ncop for season 1 and 2 as you did for season 3

You really did put a lot of efforts into this series.
Thank you so much for the hardwork.

Just when I am rewatching all Toaru series huehuehueheuue

Why completely ruin the release with eng dub?
So much time wasted to remove/add it with mkvmerge.

@inuboshi why ruin the comment section with your presence ? if you don’t want/like eng dub then just shut up and download something else.

God-tier -or, Level 5 at the least- torrent description aside… orz

Sooo, if I were to plan on tackling the Railgun side of things (long overdue) in the next couple days/weeks, w Japanese audio and subs as preference, would this torrent be the one for me for S01 and S02?
It’s just that reading through the comments made me wonder - especially the discussion about the video of the encode of S01 not necessarily holding up against a 720p from some years ago. I know I should just check all the likely candidates myself and decide, but that being not so easy for me right now, and hoping someone in the know would be kind enough to give an at least somewhat objective recommendation… Welp, here I am, asking.

At any rate, clearly a whole lot of love and work+effort was put into this batch, for which you deserve much praise,

neoborn (uploader)


CorallineAlgae was mentioning that this looks more blurry than season 3 of railgun. And he is correct. This is more blurry and soft but this is the original look of the video. The encode from [Cleo] which was also mentioned is warpsharp filtered which thins out lines and makes things sharper but also more plastic looking in my opinion. Which aestethic you like better is up to you of course. Some like things sharper some like them how they are originally made. Me personally, I like this blurrier look here.
That is pretty much what got people confused a little bit. Hope this helps you decide =)

Check this comparison between mine (no sharpening) and [Cleo] (sharpening) by clicking the image to cycle between them (check title to know which is which). Just in case you have never seen sharpening filters in action
Mind you, Cleos file is 100mb/720 and mine is 240mb/1080. So any additional quality differences (like details in the background trees) come from that. If you watch on low rez/small display devices like your phone you don’t need the biggest of files. Choose what fits you best.

No matter which one you download though, you can’t be too wrong with watching railgun and anime’s bestest best girl saten-san :)

Much obliged for answering - and also for doing it in such a speedy manner. I actually thought about asking for a comparison pic, but didn’t want to appear too spoon-feed-meeee-ish. lol
You’re the MVP.

As luck would have it, slow.pics is seemingly acting up right now, so took a while until I could get a look. At any rate, yup, the differences are quite noticeable. Honestly, with regards to sharpening, both looked fine to me. Different, but same enjoyment value (well, as far as one could tell from one frame hehe). In your encode (and as such, the BD original too, I presume) though the colors appeared a tiny bit…hmm…washed out? in the comparison - dunno the correct term. Can still definitely live with it.

Just to clarify; if I am reading the comments correctly, this difference in encodes (and the videos as such) is S01-specific only, right?

Also, after watching most of Index S01 and a fair bit of Raligun S01 like ~9 years ago as a zygote, before now on a whim wanting to Toaru some again, while agreeing that Saten-san deserves muuuuch love and is up there among the bestest of the bests, alas, I believe I have been forever tainted by a Certain Biribiri… :)

neoborn (uploader)


Season 1 got produced in 2010 and Season 2 in 2013. Between those two seasons the aestethic changed quite a bit in my opinion. Season 1 is the only one that has this blurry soft look to it while season 2 looks more like season 3 in its sharpness. Regarding washed out colors: I prefer looking at it as the other one being oversaturated :P Again, this here is how the original BD colors and general aestethic looks like. If you can live with both however, choose the smaller one. I don’t know what subtitles are in [Cleo] though. They keep their descriptions and infos about the files rather brief ;)

Well, funny thing. Went with yours naturally (gotta appreciate all that effort!! (and yes, your torrent description appears a tincy bit more elegant… xD)), made it to that exact same frame (the one you compared) just now, and… Best of both worlds here, apparently! lol

A little bit more sharpened, and a very little bit more saturated than it appears on ‘your,’ in the comparison. Using a recent(ish) K-Lite Codec Pack (standard) and the MPC-HC player therein - on default settings, no internal filters or anything applied.
Weird; but a full win. :)

Huge respect for the best repack on nyaa.si, love your layout in the description as well, super clean and looks amazing!
Thanks so much.

thank you very much

Domo arigato gozaimasu!

I’m doing a rewatch of this peak series, thank you so much.