I clearly remember the original post on U2 said it is exclusive for U2 and reposting to other site is strictly forbidden. These people can’t read, huh… smh
Who says that the Anonymous who added this torrent has anything to do with this U2 place?
Why does this other site, which most people can’t access (if they’ve even heard of it), get to decide what is allowed on other sites, when many people can’t even see if this U2 place claims something to be “exclusive”.
Comments - 4
I clearly remember the original post on U2 said it is exclusive for U2 and reposting to other site is strictly forbidden. These people can’t read, huh… smh
Who says that the Anonymous who added this torrent has anything to do with this U2 place?
Why does this other site, which most people can’t access (if they’ve even heard of it), get to decide what is allowed on other sites, when many people can’t even see if this U2 place claims something to be “exclusive”.
Ikr, some people buy the blu-ray and genuinely want to share something they love with others…
… and then there’s U2.
Better start the torrent before those clowns cancel someone else for no reason
Wtf, is this content U2 property? when did they get the copyright?