Pyuu to Fuku! Jaguar by Usuta Kyousuke, 20/20 volumes, v01-v10 in ENG by various groups, v11-v20 in JPN RAW.
Compiling this was a nightmare, vols 01-09 were easy peasy but v10 gave me serious problems, and the RAWs were uploaded to some SLOW providers so it took forever to get them... But here they are, all twenty vols of craziness of Usuta for your enjoyment. Blow That Flute, Jaguar! Sadly only ten volumes are in English, because the groups were all translating Naruto, Bleach and One Piece back then and nowadays all are translating isekai-shit instead of this gem...
"Sadly only ten volumes are in English, because the groups were all translating Naruto, Bleach and One Piece back then and nowadays all are translating isekai-shit instead of this gem…"
You're right, instead they should spend all their time and energy translating badly drawn manga full of poo and fart jokes... 🙄
Not a big fan of all that generic isekai, but come on guy.
Hmm... well I am not that keen on toilet humour myself (I positively HATE Dr. Slump, for instance), but I can't let the "bad art" thing slide. There is no such thing as bad art. Art is a form of creativity, there are only different styles, and Usuta's excellent - and hey "come on", this is a gag manga, most gag manga has "bad art", for example Tottemo Luckyman, Masuda Kousuke Gekijou Gag Manga Biyori, Sexy Commando Gaiden, Boboboubo Boubobo, the list goes on... it's almost an unwritten rule gag manga has "bad art", whatever that means. In my books, Usuta is a genius, so is Sawai Yoshio (I am waiting for last volume of Boboboubo Boubobo to be translated so I can share it). So in the end it's just a matter of perspective. And yes, I am right, I am always right, except when I am wrong.
Comments - 4
kingofhearts (uploader)