So where did the subtitles for this come from? I really apreciate the opening and ending translation and karaoke. However there is a line or two missing right before the opening of the first episode and the timing of a number of lines seems a bit off. Thanks regardless.
^ specifically
No Subtitle for episode 1 around 1:20+ (a sentence before OP begins)
No Subtitle for episode 11 around 22:15+ (a sentence before the ED begins)
Not too much, one sentence each
Took me some time to learn and shit but here :0
Taken from [ASW] Subs ( which was released recently...
Also I'm confused about Episode 11 and how to word "バンは落たのか?" in English. I ended up just following the "Van has fallen... ?" line, but I am not sure. IMO it sounded like the subtitle should be "Has Van fallen... ?" so I added an optional file which contains the "Has Van fallen... ?" line in a folder.
I'll check here sometimes if ever my edits need more refining since this is my first time adding subs and timing them :3
Criticism is highly appreciated!
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