Source Netflix WEB-DL + Crunchyroll WEB-DL + VIU Thailand WEB-DL + Another Thailand WEB-DL to erase the logo text
Video: h264 CRF 10
Color: 10 bits
Edition: Fabrebatalla18 and Lyswh
Audios: FLAC
1: Official CD TV Size (Just had to cut a bit of the end to match)
2: Vocals from the Song + Instrumental and AI.
3: Instrumental + AI for some choruses.
4: Original song from Miho Komatsu, cut down to TV Size from the CD Full version (just a cut in the end and not much more)
5: Miho Komatsu vocals (pitched up) + La PomPon’s instrumental edit.
VIU Thailand doesn’t have the Japanese logo, because it’s international master, but another source had it without text IDK why (Also for OP42, but not for 40), though the quality is pretty bad, it works for that part.
Custom English title uses textless edit.
YT version of the title (Catalan):
Comments - 3
please try to bring the 1988 Osomatsu-kun RAWs with better quality
Thanks for sharing!