I checked ZonaQ, 80s TV, Animelliure, TorrentLand (Spanish private tracker)… None had it.
Maybe in a few days or a week we’ll see it in some form. I’m interested, but I’ll still remain with the Level Sets for 001-039 and then Selecta’s DBZ BDs for 040-291.
Comments - 8
Ha salido ya el primer volumen de las boxes de DBZ, ¿Tienes pensado subirlas también?
Acabo de ver el comentario que dejaste en el post anterior, una pena que aún no se haya subido a ningun sitio
Impakt (uploader)
It may be on HDSpain/Pixelados, but I can’t confirm. I guess someone will eventually share it here.
Have anyone made good rips of this selecta vision blu-rays?
Impakt (uploader)
I checked ZonaQ, 80s TV, Animelliure, TorrentLand (Spanish private tracker)… None had it.
Maybe in a few days or a week we’ll see it in some form. I’m interested, but I’ll still remain with the Level Sets for 001-039 and then Selecta’s DBZ BDs for 040-291.
@impakt, i was talking about this series, the original Dragon Ball, not Dragon Ball Z.
Impakt (uploader)
Impakt (uploader)
There’s also this one: http://80stvseries.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=9388
More compressed, but the difference should be negligible.
I just misread your comment as I had the DBZ BD Boxes in mind and that’s what everyone now wants though they’re still unavailable for download.