[Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movies 01-25 (1980-2004) [WEB-DL 1080p]

2022-03-04 01:18
No information.
File size:
157.7 GiB
Info hash:

Video resolution: 1920x1080 (WEB-DL)
Audio format: EAC3 2.0 224 kb/s (01-19) and EAC3 5.1 640 kb/s (20-25)
Audio list: Japanese

File list

  • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movies 01-25 (1980-2004) [WEB-DL 1080p]
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 01 (1980) [1080p].mkv (6.4 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 02 (1981) [1080p].mkv (6.1 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 03 (1982) [1080p].mkv (6.3 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 04 (1983) [1080p].mkv (6.2 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 05 (1984) [1080p].mkv (6.3 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 06 (1985) [1080p].mkv (6.3 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 07 (1986) [1080p].mkv (6.6 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 08 (1987) [1080p].mkv (6.2 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 09 (1988) [1080p].mkv (6.2 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 10 (1989) [1080p].mkv (6.9 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 11 (1990) [1080p].mkv (6.6 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 12 (1991) [1080p].mkv (6.6 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 13 (1992) [1080p].mkv (6.7 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 14 (1993) [1080p].mkv (6.8 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 15 (1994) [1080p].mkv (6.8 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 16 (1995) [1080p].mkv (6.5 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 17 (1996) [1080p].mkv (6.4 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 18 (1997) [1080p].mkv (6.8 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 19 (1998) [1080p].mkv (6.0 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 20 (1999) [1080p].mkv (6.6 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 21 (2000) [1080p].mkv (6.5 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 22 (2001) [1080p].mkv (6.4 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 23 (2002) [1080p].mkv (5.5 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 24 (2003) [1080p].mkv (5.0 GiB)
    • [Fabre-RAW] Doraemon Movie 25 (2004) [1080p].mkv (5.1 GiB)

Thanks! but from where are those WEB-DL? the Doraapp?

fabrebatalla18 (uploader)


WTF is DoraApp xD? Are from Amazon Japan.

The new douga.tv-asahi but only for doraemon xD -with the same low quality-
the movies was there too for a limited time
I’m glad they put them in amazon for a better quality at least
Thanks for sharing!

Naise, thank you, Fabre!

well i cant add tis to rutorrent

anyway thanks

Thanks, these are uncut right?

No, they’re circumsized

circumcized? re-encoded ?
I think WEB-DL means original, non re-encoded file.

Old movies are fullscreen or widescreen?

Can you do Conan Remastered encodes from Crunchyroll rips? They have long black bars on both sides which eats lot of disk space BTW.

@RyzakiT all the remastered movies are cut to 16:9 if that’s what are you talking about

Tremendo! Thank you so much.

all the remastered movies are cut to 16:9

Oh,I’ve understood.
The ‘circumsized’(circumcized) the former person said means being cut to 16:9(‘Vista size’ in Japan), not ‘Standard size’.
Thank you.

Can you do Conan Remastered encodes from Crunchyroll rips? They have long black bars on both sides which eats lot of disk space BTW.

This comment has lowered the average IQ of all Nyaa users by 50 points.

Oh,I’ve understood.
The ‘circumsized’(circumcized) the former person said means being cut to 16:9(‘Vista size’ in Japan), not ‘Standard size’.
Thank you.

Or just call it 4:3…

No, the ‘circumcised’ it’s a dumb joke, nothing to do with the aspect ratio or picture quality. It’s impressive that it has to be explained when it’s obvious.

Spoilers: it’s got to do with penis.

please seed this file i’m near to finished it
[Fabre-RAW] Kiteretsu Encyclopedia (Kiteretsu Daihyakka) [WEB-DL 1080p]

these web-dl must be way better compared to WOWOW HDTV broadcasts, right?

Thanks! Can you also rip all the eps that Doraemon 2005 anime on amazon or netflix has? There are HDTV rips for all the eps by pandora-tv already, but unfortunately he hasn’t did delogo on it and lot of eps are interlaced making it look like garbage

Can you share the included captions for all these Doraemon movies?

Thank god I managed to find this, can’t let this Doraemon movie die, I’ve uploaded this to my 10 Gbps seedbox :D
I’ll find the sub for myself later I guess

Here are the captions for all movies