[ZahuFX] Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san OP KFX (BD 1080p EAC3).mkv

2022-03-26 22:46
File size:
247.9 MiB
Info hash:

So, I decided to start uploading my KFX-es standalone as well, with creditless BD videos, for… reasons… Don’t question it.

Translation Neon
Editing Yaneura
KFX Zahuczky

Appearances: An older version of this KFX was used in the [BullySubs] TV releases, and this version is going to be used in the upcoming BD release.

You can reause these KFX-es in your own release/batch/remake/whatever, but please credit the original creators mentioned above, or if nothing else, credit this release.

The subtitle files included in the mkvs doesn’t contain the code of the KFX templates, but if you want to know how I made them, feel free to ping me in the #fansubbing channel in the DameDesuYo Discord server. Reasoning: My KFX-es are made to fit perfectly the given OP/ED, and I just don’t want to see them reused on different shows, where it probably doesn’t fit perfectly, but I don’t want to keep their workings a secret. So I’m happy to share parts of it/explain how it works.

File list

  • [ZahuFX] Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san OP KFX (BD 1080p EAC3).mkv (247.9 MiB)

Thank you for uploading these. Seeing as KFX seem to be dying out it’s always nice to see some especially of this caliber.