Not sure what category this fits under, possibly Software - Games so that’ll be it, I guess.
These are all the PSN videos I downloaded while I had my PS3 connected to the PlayStation Store, and now I don’t anymore (it’s kinda dead and I’m using CFW).
Anyway, I’m not interested in uploading much these days so that’s why I don’t share much (yet I have so much in several terabyte HDDs - that was when I was into it).
So… enjoy.
Comments - 10
There is more to life than nyaa, go outside for once.
Impakt (uploader)
You created a new account just for that? Sure, buddy. 🤣
@Impakt, por favor, envia-me um link do “Remastered” deste especial para eu fazer o download:
Impakt (uploader)
You’ll receive an email with a download link soon, but the actual downloadable file will be available in 30mins or so.
The link will be available for a week.
Obrigado pelo trabalho, Impakt!
Mas quando fiz o download, deu erro antes de completar o download, e o arquivo foi deletado… :(
Impakt (uploader)
Oh, deve ter sido devido aos direitos de autor, acho eu.
Damn, must’ve been due to being copyrighted material.
Here’s a new link and this one’s available for 30 days… hopefully. lol
@Impakt, o download deu certo!
Obrigado pela ajuda!
Seed this please and thanks.
Hi Impakt sorry for the double message
But can you seed this a little bit more I’m almost done downloading it (77%)
I’ll seed as much as I can after that
Impakt (uploader)
1File direct download:
Mirror 1
Mirror 2