[Viz] Ultimate Muscle The Kinnikuman Legacy 1-14

2022-07-22 09:03
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1.3 GiB
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I can’t even remember what’s what. Iirc the ones in the current torrent on here are bloated in size because they were edited in photoshop so they look dark and crushed and I have the original ones from tumblr.
All the group tagged ones are pretty decent. All the unnamed ones are pretty poor pissy looking amateur scans from public library copies. I think those are all from the tumblr.
UMFAN and Crossbone-Pirates are the same group apparently.

File list

  • [Viz] Ultimate Muscle The Kinnikuman Legacy 1-14
    • Ultimate Muscle The Kinnikuman Legacy, Volume 10.cbr (80.5 MiB)
    • Ultimate Muscle The Kinnikuman Legacy, Volume 11.cbr (75.0 MiB)
    • Ultimate Muscle The Kinnikuman Legacy, Volume 12.cbr (82.4 MiB)
    • Ultimate Muscle The Kinnikuman Legacy, Volume 13.cbr (76.9 MiB)
    • Ultimate Muscle The Kinnikuman Legacy, Volume 14.cbr (83.0 MiB)
    • Ultimate Muscle The Kinnikuman Legacy, Volume 7.cbr (79.0 MiB)
    • Ultimate Muscle The Kinnikuman Legacy, Volume 8.cbr (49.5 MiB)
    • Ultimate Muscle The Kinnikuman Legacy, Volume 9.cbr (74.2 MiB)
    • [Crossbone-Pirates] Ultimate Muscle v02 [VIZ] (Sep 7 2004).cbz (61.3 MiB)
    • [Crossbone-Pirates] Ultimate Muscle v03 [VIZ] (Nov 2 2004).cbz (88.4 MiB)
    • [Crossbone-Pirates] Ultimate Muscle v04 [VIZ] (Jan 8 2005).cbz (55.0 MiB)
    • [Oroboros-DCP] Ultimate Muscle Kinnikuman Legacy # 1.cbr (50.8 MiB)
    • [Oroboros-DCP] Ultimate Muscle Kinnikuman Legacy # 2.cbr (45.1 MiB)
    • [Oroboros-DCP] Ultimate Muscle Kinnikuman Legacy # 3.cbr (50.4 MiB)
    • [Oroboros-DCP] Ultimate Muscle Kinnikuman Legacy # 4.cbr (50.1 MiB)
    • [Oroboros-DCP] Ultimate Muscle Kinnikuman Legacy # 5.cbr (96.5 MiB)
    • [UMFAN] Ultimate Muscle v01 [VIZ] (Sep 15 2004).cbz (115.1 MiB)
    • [herculesfactory] Ultimate Muscle v06 [VIZ] (May 4 2005).cbz (147.1 MiB)

So your upload is better than this one?

jillvalentine (uploader)


Yes. I think everything in that other torrent are those terrible pissy scans from Tumblr except they are now white balanced and black crushed. I downloaded it before but don’t feel like it again. All the ones in my torrent with a group name are decent enough proper scans. Not somebody just bending some nasty old library book in a scanner.

Shared these with their Japanese name, KInnikuman II-sei, ages ago. Anyways, is there someone willing to scan the volumes 15-29 in the whole 'net, it really sucks almost every VIZ manga has digital scans except II-sei…

jillvalentine (uploader)


You didn’t share the oroboros ones which are better quality than the crossbone ones. And I highly doubt it’s gonna get scans considering it’s been OOP for ages and some of those volumes go for hundreds of dollars.

Just checked these and they all have great quality. Imo you should delete the UMFAN and Crossbone copies of 1-4 volumes because UMFAN’s pages have cut borders and Crossbone is missing the credits and author note page (same problems too with UMFAN). Oroboros’ scan is better in quality and resolution.

And I noticed something else. I already downloaded the release I mentioned above, and the volumes were huge in size. Is it because they’re in .cbz? Or maybe because they’re higher quality in some way?

jillvalentine (uploader)


The reason I left the Crossbone ones is so people could download what they want. I didn’t feel like comparing and maybe somebody wanted them for whatever reason idk.

I’m pretty sure the volumes are huge because people edited them in photoshop and saved them at a higher setting which bloated the fuck outta the file size. They just edited the ugly scans on the tumblr which are yellow and already a decent sized resolution. Better than the old awful scans I’m used to anyway. They did a poor job so I’d rather have the yellow scans which have detail than their bloated versions which are white and everything is too dark.