This episode might have uncensored scenes (like in episode 4 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) or might not, better to be safe than sorry!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Maybe Uncensored video/audio but may have censored subs if there are any l e w d scenes in this episode. Automated, watermark-free subs, if there are subtitle issues (eg. unsubbed parts or timing) or you want 1080p, wait for a release by someone else using AT-X as a source.
Video: Ohys-Raws (AT-X 720p)
Subs: SubsPlease (re-timed) [download .ass]
Duration (h:m:s): 0:24:00.127000
Comments - 6
Weirdly inconsistant show. Hot springs episode had the sticker censorship and was uncensored on AT-X, but this episode uses light beams and rainbows for censorship, and the AT-X version is censored exactly the same as the regular version. Guess we will have to wait and see if this episode gets uncensored on the BD.
Dam I was tricked by the fancy title!
I don’t know whats going on in this anime, and this episode just confused me further.
Alright, let me explain what’s going on in this anime:
They’re all actually androids, they’re all in The Matrix, they’re in a time loop, and it’s all an experiment by aliens to unlock the secret to destroying the multiverse.
But seriously though, they’ve been setting this crap up since episode 1. Wanting to see how the batshit crazy sci-fi twist goes down is literally the only reason I forced myself to sit through the terrible cliche romcom antics.
0.0 tnx, maybe it will make sense by the end