Hungry for You Endo Yasuko Stalks the Night v01 (2018) (paper scan) (TGM)

2022-11-26 23:38
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203.5 MiB
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Traveller Guy Manga presents (my first book scan) the scanned first volume of “Hungry for You Endo Yasuko Stalks the Night”.

I scanned the volume at 600 dpi, cropped the pages, and converted to space-saving JPG. I did a couple of replacements from the digital Japanese volume 1, which are all double-spread illustration pages that have little or no text so they would look nice.

Hungry for You: Endo Yasuko Stalks the Night Volume 1
Story & Art by: Flowerchild
Release Date: 2018/05/15
A girl-meets-girl-who-might-be-a-vampire story with a laugh hidden around every grim corner!

Three girls have gone missing in gloomy Yomai town, and the assailant appears to be Endo Yasuko–a high school beauty who just might be a vampire! Her classmate Shizue has to wonder: Is Yasuko undead, a serial killer…or just plain weird? The truth is bound to come out in this quirky, slightly spooky tale of a delicious relationship

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Thank you for your hard work!

Thanks a lot! If only someone did Black God manga like you are doing!!!

Can you rip this manga series < I Don’t Like You At All, Big Brother!! > ? It is available at this link: < ttps:// >.

Please do vol 2 as well!!

TravellerGuy (uploader)


Volume 2 got lost in the Philadelphia post office for like three weeks but finally arrived so here we go, the complete set.