[DarkWispers] Sekai Meisaku Gekijou Kanketsu Ban: Princess Sara (R2J DVD 640x480 HEVC 10bit AC-3)

2023-01-01 23:52 UTC
File size:
1.1 GiB
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Happy New Year! This is our first Release of 2023. Once again we're releasing a Kankestuban. To be honest we'll probably release more of these subbed as we work our way through more WMT shows. Honestly we should probably go back and do Cosset, but it's low priority ATM with us wrapping up both Sara and Pollyanna. Plus were ramping up Peter Pan now. It's still in the encode stage however. Encoding this was a PITA, mostly due to my own incompetence. Overall it was way easier than the main series. At least i remembered the JP subs this time! Anyways please do enjoy this, I hope it'll tide you over till we finish the final batch of Sara!

File list

Once again, the subtitles are based on a revised, DVD batch version of our previously released subs for the show that we hope to be releasing soon. Missing lines have been filled in, typos have been removed, TL has been checked and wonky lines have been rewritten (to a degree). The new narration was also once again translated by me - just that I now also had to fill in the original narration between episodes, as the Sara TV show didn't have any, but this compilation needed a narrator to make it understandable. To be honest, this does a terrible job at compiling the TV show, although I probably shouldn't expect it to do a good job considering its short runtime. Large parts of the story are outright cut, important characters that survive are reduced to a few scenes and narration explaining their backstory, character motivations are often not well-explained, you don't really get a sense for how Sara is treated, there are a number of small continuity errors, etc. etc. - it's all in service of the last few scenes, which are themselves cut to pieces. At least it was entertaining to make fun of it while slowly piecing the subs together. I just hope it isn't a sign of things to come with the other Kanketsu Bans... In spite of all that, I hope you enjoy this and look forward to the next WMT (and maybe other?) releases.
@Darkonius Thanks for keeping the spirit of WMT alive. You're the best. I last watched this series nearly two decades ago and wanted to catch up prior to revisiting the last arc, which is my favourite -- the middle arc is really hard on Sara so I can't bear to watch it, so this will be a nice substitute for that instead. Thanks for Detective School Q too, by the way, another childhood fave -- it's like you guys are single-handedly resurrecting my childhood.