( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Uncensored video/audio but may have censored subs if there are any l e w d scenes in this episode. Automated, watermark-free subs, if there are subtitle issues (eg. unsubbed parts or timing) or you want 1080p, wait for a release by someone else using an uncensored source.
Video: Tsundere-Raws (ADN720p)
Subs: SubsPlease (re-timed) [download .ass]
Duration (h:m:s): 0:11:59.509000
Comments - 7
does this have a more uncensored version? i feel like ive heard this has 2 uncensored versions
Theres nothing to uncensor in this ep. Just bras and panties
jackiechun (uploader)
@freaky there are nipples on the boobas uncensored, screen from censored version:
Web rip is full uncut, similar to onii-chan show, at-x lately seems to censor much more compared to the past, this is very sad from a pay tv channel, japanese customers should unsub in mass, well whatever, at least there is a full uncut source (aka the web).
is anyone uploading with the web rips?
jackiechun (uploader)
@Inokori the source for this is a web-rip (ADN) by Tsundere-Raws