No Ohys-Raws AT-X release (yet?) so going with Ioroid for this week (sorry for the size) and downgraded label for this series to “Maybe Uncensored”. ABEMA and AT-X sources for this series are uncensored. ADN and others are censored. Not every episode contains censorship and censorship is subtle so I will continue releasing this series.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Maybe Uncensored video/audio but may have censored subs if there are any l e w d scenes in this episode. Automated, watermark-free subs, if there are subtitle issues (eg. unsubbed parts or timing) or you want 1080p, wait for a release by someone else using an uncensored source.
Video: Ioroid (ABEMA 1080p)
Subs: SubsPlease (re-timed) [download .ass]
Duration (h:m:s): 0:23:40.109000
Comments - 6
Abema 1080p is a big increase in quality over AT-X, so you shouldn’t apologize
Also, Ioroid is uncensored too.
Is this fully uncensored?
Is the 720 of this around? Not sure if I want to jump resolutions mid season. Also my TV is old enough that it only handles 720 (i.e. it’s about 12 years old)
720p raw here. it was uploaded less than an hour after this went up lol