Ripped from [Manga UP!](https://global.manga-up.com/manga/40) (x3072)
Converted from AVIF to PNG, and spreads joined.
One spreads at c001 is x3036.
I honestly don't know if I can keep ripping the ongoing one lmao.
Contact me at Discord if you have any inquiries: **N4O#8868**
[**Other Chapters**](https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=Demoted+to+a+Teacher)
fyi: the path got too long that acdsee couldn't read it, so i have to extract the cbz and rename all the file to short numbers then compress it again to zip.
i hope you took this for consideration in future, to rename the files to a shorter one.
Or just use a less garbage reader that doesn't crap out on 116 character file paths (lol) such as [SumatraPDF](https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/download-free-pdf-viewer).
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