So here, four years after we started, is Orphan’s final word on Tezuka Osamu’s Tales of the Old Testament: In the Beginning. The batch contains four revised episodes: 4, 5, 6, and 12. Two of them are missing a font, one has an incorrect style, and one has an artifact from image stabilization that causes black lines to appear at the top of the screen. Patches are available for all four here. For more information, see this blog entry.
I’ll close with one last image: Rocco the fox, the viewer’s companion through the whole series, looking up at the immensity of the starry sky:
This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on
Thanks for watching.
Comments - 15
Thank you so much!
This was a neat one when it came out. I’mma rewatch it. Danke schön.
Thanks as always, love you!
Thanks for the batch! Great.
Since you did Bible, Hidamari no Ki, other rare Tezuka anime etc, would it possible for you guys to buy and rip Anime Koukyoushi - Jungle Taitei DVD? It is expensive though.
All existing rips are of very poor quality
It only has some context which need to be translated at the beginning of each chapters.
also it’d have been great if you could sub the original Jungle Taitei 1965 anime series in HD, the 1989 remake is translated halfway, but they use old ugly aged masters instead of a new it’s a pain to watch it with crappy colors and it’d be great to see Jungle Taitei 1965 remastered anime in HD
Also are you guys interested in subbing Genji Monogatari Sennenki and 1987 movie? There’s beautiful 1080p WEB-DL for Sennenki, There are JP captions available at kitsunekko for it too…
plus it was directed by none other than the late maestro director Dezaki Osamu as well.
archivisth (uploader)
@RyzakiT - Translator availability governs everything, and at the moment, Orphan has essentially no translators available. Genji TV and movie were in Eternal_Blizzard’s backlog, but he retired from fansubbing. The existing subs are hardsubs. They would require a thorough check. Perhaps the Japanese closed captions provide a way in, but I’m not a translator, so I can’t really say. The 1080p upscales look terribly blurry to me, but so are the R2J DVDs.
Jungle Taitei is simply too long.
I see, thanks for the info, and thanks a lot for subbing various classic Tezuka anime.
Finally finished, thank you so much.
Thank you.
Can you upload the DVDISOS?
Thank you <3
Thank you so much!
Thank you