As promised (or threatened), here is the Laserdisc version of the 1983 fantasy anime Noel no Fushigi na Bouken (Noel’s Fantastic Trip). This version is full frame (4:3), while the DVD version is wide-screen (1.85:1). Unfortunately, neither quite provides the complete picture. The Laserdisc version is chopped off at the sides; the DVD version is chopped off at the top and bottom. The Laserdisc has a stereo soundtrack; the DVD has a mono soundtrack with stereo interpolations for the songs. The Laserdisc colors lean to the greenish, as seen in this screencap of the Chartreuse, er, Yellow Submarine:
See this blog entry for more details.
This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on
Comments - 1
Can you please sub Love Position – The Legend of Halley?