Kinnikuman II-sei -Kyuukyoku no Choujin Tag Hen- by Yudetamago, 28/28 volumes, complete, ENG scans by various groups. Volumes 13-16 and partly volume 17 & 25-27 JPN RAWs
Put this on ENG translated because it has more ENG than RAW content. Hopefully someone will translate the RAWs someday. Anyways, enjoy!
Mata ai-muscle!
ps: if you need more Kinnikuman anime, both the ‘Yume no Choujin Tag Hen’ (087-119) and ‘Kinniku-sei Oui Soudatsu Hen’ are available subbed, but they are upscales that Nyaa don’t allow so you have to find them by yourself…
Comments - 2
Oh damn, didn’t realise we were so close to having the entire series subbed
kingofhearts (uploader)
Yup, only the “filler” episodes are left (120-124 - The Psycho Choujin no Chousen Hen, 125-137 - Jigoku no Gokuaku Choujin Hen). They are non-canon. So actually the canon series is subbed already :)