Orphan Fansubs presents the first English version of the 1992 sci-fi OVA Genji (Part One). This clusterf**k of a show is confusion from beginning to end, starting with the fact that there is no “Part Two”; the manga it is based on was abandoned.
Genji tells the story of Ebata Katsumi, a 16-year-old in modern Japan. He is an exact lookalike for Minamoto no Yoritomi (aka Genji) in a parallel Japan, where the Genpei War is fought in modern(ish) times, with Heian warfare intermixed with tanks, flamethrowers, and bazookas. When Genji is killed, Katsumi’s girlfriend - who is actually Princess Sakura in parallel Japan - returns to her timeline. Katsumi chases after her and gets embroiled in the war, when the Minamoto clan recruits him as a replacement for Genji. The confusion only deepens from there. See this blog entry for more details.
Laserdisc rip; FLAC audio.
This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on irc.rizon.net.
Comments - 8
I know the rules: you translate, I watch.
Sounds batshit crazy. I’m in.
No, DmonHiro, I’m not going to translate any more of that.
archivisth (uploader)
@DmonHiro - :)
Yes, thank you!
When it came out, AnimeV created an incredible hype around it, and for several issues, with multi page coverage, previews and interviews. Basically, for the staff of the magazine, it was already OVA of the year. I suspect that the main reason were the voice actors, all famous seiyuu of that period.
Looks fantastic, thank you
cool. real cool
archivisth (uploader)
@michel3105 - Thanks for the information. The voice cast is indeed terrific.