Toriko by Shimabukuro Mitsutoshi, 43+2/43+2 volumes, complete, ENG scans by Sugooi, Draagon, MaPScans and Hi wa Mata Noboru
Years ago, A-Destiny subbed the whole Toriko anime, and the translation was nicely done by kewl2010. The manga was also completely translated by the same person, and I like their work more than official translations so I wanted to make this to preserve the whole thing, so… enjoy!
Mata ai-muscle!
Comments - 6
Why would we want a scanlated version when the official translated release is already here on Nyaa. In prime quality I might add.
If you’d read the description you’d know they simply wanted to preserve this translation.
kingofhearts (uploader)
Yes, translation and the whole work behind it. And the anime does not cover the whole manga, so those who watched A-Destiny’s version can continue reading with rest of manga with same terminology, names, etc… you know, consistency.
I’m one of those who watched A-Destiny’s release of the anime back then, but I never got around to the manga. It’s very nice to have this preserved, thank you!
I love people using “we” as they really speak for everyone else, get fucked Baka. I appreciate the conservationists out there, even if there are 20 versions of something, in the digital age where is not about space anymore, the “who would want that?” is simply a retarded question. Just enjoy it or don’t, but don’t go complaining and speaking for anyone else but yourself.
Great stuff here, thanks