Source (Season 1)
Video: Slow SOFCJ
Audio: Untouched
Subs: [Tenrai-Sensei] Honorifics & No-Honorifics Dialogue
Restyled the Dialog, Timing, TS, Karaoke+effect, and chapters. *Subs are from icebox alot of retiming/work was done should be up to release standards. Thanks icebox for the subs. Seed and enjoy xD Join the discord and let me know of any mistakes in the report issue section.
Comments - 4
Is this officially dropped from [Tenrai-Sensei]?
Should I just watch from Icebox?
If you check the comments on the other torrent for this episode he says he’s just busy with his studies and will resume work on this at some point.
Tenrai, I hope your studies are going well.
Good luck, man!