[Orphan] Captain Bal (720p)

2024-05-12 23:13
File size:
591.5 MiB
Info hash:

Orphan presents a previously untranslated OVA from Anime Tamago 2019, Captain Bal. This show retells the tales of the Bal Pirates, a woebegone group of impoverished kids who dream of striking it rich through piracy. They take off in a leaky rowboat to terrorize the snazzy ships that cruise by their island home, but they invariably get more than the bargained for. This is a pilot for a children’s show that hasn’t been made (yet), but it’s entertaining for adults too. See [this blog entry[(https://collectr.blogspot.com/2024/05/captain-bal.html) for more details.


Skr translated, timed, typeset, and encoded. The raw is an HD stream, reduced to 720p because of bit-rate limitations in the original.

We have raws for the remaiing two episodes of Anime Tamago 2019, if any translator is interested.

This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on irc.rizon.net.

File list

  • [Orphan] Captain Bal (720p) [AD2E282F].mkv (591.5 MiB)

there’s a fishy skeleton making a ;< face
and i thought i should tell you guys about him…
his exalted name was Grouparen, the lord of the greatest grouper clan that once ruled the great sea. they held dominion over the waters from kyushu all the waynorth to honshu. alas, Grouparen’s greed led him to his demise. for you see, it was when he launched his final assault in the frigid northern waters of hokkaido that he met his grisly fate. in his mad lust for power, Grouparen attempted to defeat the devious fishies off the coast of hokkaido… but he was unaware that his second-in-command, the treacherous Judish, had sold him out for a mere bag of 30 mercury pellets. Grouparen’s final words were, "i’ll give you all terrible, terrible diarrhea if you eat me!"
he was grilled over an open fire and eaten anyways. nobody knows for sure whether or not the humans that ate him actually got sick… but the lesson learned from Grouparen’s epic tale is that you can never trust a fish.

This was pretty fun to watch, thanks.