Orphan presents the first English-subtitled version of the 1991 OVA about the supernatural, Ushiro no Hyakutaro (Hyakutaro Behind). Young psychic Ushiro Ichitaro has several adventures in the spirit world. In the first episode, a game of Kokkuri-san (ouji board) goes disastrously awry, and Ichitaro is only saved by the intervention of his guardian spirit, Hyakutaro:
In the second episode, Ichitaro is possessed by a poltergeist, but his guardian spirit fails to appear. In a quest for answers, Ichitaro takes spiritual training and gets a guided tour of the afterlife from Hyakutaro:
As one QC remarked, three quarters psychic spookiness, one quarter Happy Science.
DVD rip. Two omake, featuring the mangaka as a talking head, have not been translated. See this blog entry for more details.
This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on irc.rizon.net.
Comments - 2
Thanks for your great subs as always!