Happy Halloween from Orphan Fansubs! We’re pleased to continue the saga of our favorite half-youkai with episodes 4 to 6 of Umezz Kazuo’s Youkaiden Nekome Kozou (Spirit Legend Cat-Eyed Boy, or just Cat-Eyed Boy for short). The DVD source material has run out, so this batch is based of episodes on the laserdisc box set. It’s considerably rougher - lots of grain, film burn, a static-y audio track - but it somehow suits the material. After all, this is “gekimation” - paper cut-out animation - from nearly fifty years ago.
This time, our intrepid hero faces down three more monsters as he journeys to find his missing mother:
Big shout out to Skr for doing the heavy lifting on this series. For more details, see this bog entry.
This release, and all Orphan releases, are available for direct download from IRC bot Orphan|Arutha in channels #nibl or #news on irc.rizon.net.
Comments - 3
This kind of animation and the artifacts from the old LD makes it 10x creepier, really suits the content
may he rest in peace