Card-en-Ciel Soundtrack CD [CD-FLAC+100% Log] (Card en Ciel カルドアンシエル OST)

2024-11-10 22:47
Doujin Cafe -
File size:
949.0 MiB
Info hash:

The physical edition of the OST for the game Card-en-Ciel, released on October 23, 2024. Unfortunately, the digital soundtrack they are selling through Steam is MP3 256kbps, so I took it upon myself to rip the high quality CD directly. There are 3 disks, and 3 log files. The cover was downloaded online and covered from webp to png.
The disk bundle came with song transcriptions, but I don’t have access to a scanner and I’m not about to take smartphone pics lol.

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If you’re having trouble downloading (lack of seeders or otherwise), you can ask me directly in the discord for a DDL.

Tracklist (taken from the Steam page):
1.01 A New Mystery / III (不思議を見つけに/III)
1.02 Into the Deep / III (未知の海へ/III)
1.03 Unavoidable Conflict / III (避けられぬ戦い/III)
1.04 Encounter / III (エンカウント/III)
1.05 Solved! / III (事件解決!/III)
1.06 Into the Game World / III (ゲーム世界/III)
1.07 Fresh Recruit / III (新しい仲間/III)
1.08 Duel of Heroes / III (両雄並び立つ/III)
1.09 Research Report / III (Research Report/III)
1.10 Place for the Two of Us / III (2人きりの場所/III)
1.11 The Rivals We Made / III (いつか見たライバルたち/III)
1.12 Nascent Creator / III (新たなる創造主/III)
1.13 Reliable Pair / III (それでも、2人なら/III)
1.14 Compensation / III (代償/III)
1.15 To the Promised Sky ~ monochrome / Ancie (Ruriko Noguchi) (約束の空へ ~ monochrome/アンシェ(野口 瑠璃子))
1.16 Faint Voice / III (届いた『声』/III)
1.17 To the Promised Sky ~ arc-en-ciel / Ancie (Ruriko Noguchi) (約束の空へ ~ arc-en-ciel/アンシェ(野口 瑠璃子))
1.18 Breaking the World / RiTa (Ikumi Hasegawa) (Breaking the World/RiTa(長谷川 育美))
1.19 To the Promised Sky / Ancie (Ruriko Noguchi) (約束の空へ/アンシェ(野口 瑠璃子))

2.01 Tomorrow’s Miracle / Maho Kazamatsuri (Ayaka Suzuki) (ミライにMiracle/風祭 まほ(鈴木 あやか))
2.02 Magical Motion / Tamaki Mikagami (Reo Kurachi) (マジカルMotion/水鏡 環(倉知 玲鳳))
2.03 Always Lovin’ You / Maho Kazamatsuri (Ayaka Suzuki) (Always Lovin’ You/風祭 まほ(鈴木 あやか))
2.04 Paza Jizambi Bizube / Vati (You Taichi) (Paza Jizambi Bizube/バーチ(大地 葉))
2.05 Vondara Vinde / Cela (Miyuki Kusakabe) (Vondara Vinde/チェラー(日下部 未幸))
2.06 Tongue of the Ancients / Sera Sireness (Fuka Izumi) (古言の葉/セラ・セイレーネス(和泉 風花))
2.07 Glory to Me / Edgar Barron (Karen Calanni) (Glory to Me/エドガー・バロン(Karen Calanni))
2.08 Thirsty / Yura (Wakana Ohara) (Thirsty/ユラ(大原 わかな))
2.09 Star Princess / Seychelles (Shizuki Hiyama) (Star Princess/セシェル(日山 詩月))
2.10 Lamb’s Requiem / Raffaella (Diana Garnet) (Lamb’s Requiem/ラファエラ(Diana Garnet))
2.11 Floos Florinde / Flos (Chiisa) (Floos Florinde/フロース(Chiisa))
2.12 Forefront Steps / Gina (Yuna Kume) (円環の足跡/ジーナ(粂 ゆうな))
2.13 Cyanotype / Joule (Megu Sakuragawa) (青写真 -Cyanotype-/シアン(櫻川 めぐ))
2.14 Reincarnation / Lumen (Megu Sakuragawa) (輪廻(リインカネーション)/モルフォ(櫻川 めぐ))
2.15 You Are The Reason / Rose Vermillion (Hana Inami) (You Are The Reason/ロゼ・バーミリオン(伊南 羽桜))
2.16 Skybound Prayer / Lapis Wedgwood (Minori Suzuki) (そら色の祈り/ラピス・ウェッジウッド(鈴木 みのり))
2.17 Hefty Heartbeat / Canary Naples (Mami Fujita) (爆速ハートビート/カナリー・ネープルス(ふじた まみ))
2.18 Fake Lovers / Noir Spruce (Kaori Maeda) (Fake Lovers/ノワール・スプルース(前田 佳織里))
2.19 Twinkle, Twinkle, Double Star (Shinobu True End Ver.) / Shinobu Kamizono (Emi Uema) (Twinkle, twinkle, W star しのぶルート - True End Ver. -/神園 しのぶ(上間 江望))
2.20 Twinkle, Twinkle, Double Star (Maya True End Ver.) / Maya Kamizono (Chinami Hashimoto) (Twinkle, twinkle, W star 真夜ルート - True End Ver. -/神園 真夜(橋本 ちなみ))
2.21 Swirling Confusion / Kurona (Aya Fujita) (ぐるぐるコンフュージョン/くろな(藤田 彩))
2.22 Indigo Destiny / Lumen (Megu Sakuragawa) (藍の運命/モルフォ(櫻川 めぐ))
2.23 Igniter / Lola (Yurika Endo) (大祓(イグナイター)/RoRo(遠藤 ゆりか))
2.24 Viridian Virtue / Canaria Drasil (Akiho Suzumoto) (慈しむ翠は集いて/カナリア・ドラシル(涼本 あきほ))

3.01 Back to the Drawing Board / Shiho Tomatsu (Hikaru Tokunaga) (それから、また/戸松 詩歩(徳永 ひかる))
3.02 Change the World / Connecle (Kaoru Akiyama) (Change the World/コネクル(あきやま かおる))
3.03 My Love for You ♡ / Sakuya Zerosaki (Shoko Yuzuki) (らーびゅー♡/零崎サクヤ(柚木 尚子))
3.04 Beyond Probability / Lola (Mayu Mineda) (記憶(メモリ)解放MIAOU(エムアイエーオーユー)/RoRo(峯田 茉優))
3.05 Full Throttle Cheer / Isola (Miku Ito) (全力応援フルスロットル/イソラ(伊藤 美来))
3.06 Your Answer / Elfrend (Nanako Mori) (キミのAnswer/エルフレン(森 なな子))
3.07 Embrace the Sky / Milla (Jenya) (Embrace the sky/ミラ(ジェーニャ))
3.08 Pinky Promise / Kaname Nonomiya (Haruka Miyake) (ゆびきり/野々宮 かなめ(三宅 晴佳))
3.09 Delicate Dream / Akira Hibuki (Fumiko Uchimura) (ふわり、ひらり/火吹 晶(内村 史子))
3.10 Prismatic Palette / Kaoruko Sakurazaki (Maaya Uchida) (七色のパレット/桜咲 薫子(内田 真礼))
3.11 LOVE HEARTS / Aoi Uno (Nozomi Yamamoto) (LOVE HEARTS/兎野 葵(山本 希望))
3.12 The Lost Woods / Hooded Girl (Sayumi Suzushiro) (マヨイモリ/頭巾を被った少女(鈴代 紗弓))
3.13 The Beast’s Woods / Riding Hood (Sayumi Suzushiro) (ケモノモリ/赤ずきん(鈴代 紗弓))
3.14 The Crimson Woods / Riding Hood - Origin (Sayumi Suzushiro) (アカイモリ/原典:赤ずきん(鈴代 紗弓))
3.15 Elegy of Sullied Feet / Ash-Covered Girl (Kisaki Kobayashi) (汚れた素足の哀歌(エレジー)/灰かぶりの少女(小林 妃沙貴))
3.16 Aubade of the Glass Shoe / Cinderella (Kisaki Kobayashi) (ガラスの靴の夜明曲(オーバード)/シンデレラ(小林 妃沙貴))
3.17 Vile Chant of the Pointed Toe / Cinderella - Origin (Kisaki Kobayashi) (尖った足の祝歌(キャロル)/原典:シンデレラ(小林 妃沙貴))
3.18 A Hollow Dream / Long-Haired Girl (Ayaka Ohnishi) (虚ろ姫の夢/髪の長い少女(大西 綺華))
3.19 Her First Kiss / Rapunzel (Ayaka Ohnishi) (恋し姫のキス/ラプンツェル(大西 綺華))
3.20 Night of Fulfillment / Rapunzel - Origin (Ayaka Ohnishi) (満つ姫の夜/原典:ラプンツェル(大西 綺華))
3.21 Purification / Lola (Mayu Mineda) (鎮花祭(エグゾシス)/RoRo(峯田 茉優))
3.22 Memoria of He / Lumen (Megu Sakuragawa) (彼の記憶(ヒノメモリア)/モルフォ(櫻川 めぐ))
3.23 Boundless Myth / Luxia (Sasaki Rico) (境界なき神話(エピソード)/ルクシア(佐々木 李子))
3.24 A Partner’s Promise / Tsukumo (Yuko Natsuyoshi) (一匹(キミ)と一人(わたし)の約束/ツクモ(夏吉 ゆうこ))

File list

  • Card-en-Ciel Soundtrack CD [CD-FLAC+100% Log]
    • 1-01. A New Mystery.flac (14.5 MiB)
    • 1-02. Into the Deep.flac (9.6 MiB)
    • 1-03. Unavoidable Conflict.flac (8.7 MiB)
    • 1-04. Encounter.flac (24.3 MiB)
    • 1-05. Solved!.flac (15.6 MiB)
    • 1-06. Into the Game World.flac (25.4 MiB)
    • 1-07. Fresh Recruit.flac (7.4 MiB)
    • 1-08. Duel of Heroes.flac (20.6 MiB)
    • 1-09. Research Report.flac (10.1 MiB)
    • 1-10. Place for the Two of Us.flac (18.8 MiB)
    • 1-11. The Rivals We Made.flac (19.5 MiB)
    • 1-12. Nascent Creator.flac (19.2 MiB)
    • 1-13. Reliable Pair.flac (10.6 MiB)
    • 1-14. Compensation.flac (7.1 MiB)
    • 1-15. To the Promised Sky ~ monochrome.flac (13.9 MiB)
    • 1-16. Faint Voice.flac (30.6 MiB)
    • 1-17. To the Promised Sky ~ arc-en-ciel.flac (15.4 MiB)
    • 1-18. Breaking the World.flac (14.4 MiB)
    • 1-19. To the Promised Sky.flac (26.6 MiB)
    • 2-01. Tomorrow's Miracle.flac (14.8 MiB)
    • 2-02. Magical Motion.flac (12.4 MiB)
    • 2-03. Always Lovin' You.flac (13.2 MiB)
    • 2-04. Paza Jizambi Bizube.flac (16.6 MiB)
    • 2-05. Vondara Vinde .flac (10.5 MiB)
    • 2-06. Tongue of the Ancients.flac (12.3 MiB)
    • 2-07. Glory to Me.flac (9.9 MiB)
    • 2-08. Thirsty.flac (12.6 MiB)
    • 2-09. Star Princess.flac (12.9 MiB)
    • 2-10. Lamb's Requiem.flac (11.4 MiB)
    • 2-11. Floos Florinde.flac (18.4 MiB)
    • 2-12. Forefront Steps.flac (15.1 MiB)
    • 2-13. Cyanotype.flac (12.1 MiB)
    • 2-14. Reincarnation.flac (12.7 MiB)
    • 2-15. You Are The Reason.flac (11.8 MiB)
    • 2-16. Skybound Prayer.flac (13.4 MiB)
    • 2-17. Hefty Heartbeat.flac (10.1 MiB)
    • 2-18. Fake Lovers.flac (14.4 MiB)
    • 2-19. Twinkle, Twinkle, Double Star (Shinobu True End Ver.).flac (12.6 MiB)
    • 2-20. Twinkle, Twinkle, Double Star (Maya True End Ver.).flac (12.1 MiB)
    • 2-21. Swirling Confusion.flac (12.9 MiB)
    • 2-22. Indigo Destiny.flac (19.9 MiB)
    • 2-23. Igniter.flac (19.2 MiB)
    • 2-24. Viridian Virtue.flac (18.9 MiB)
    • 3-01. Back to the Drawing Board.flac (10.0 MiB)
    • 3-02. Change the World.flac (15.1 MiB)
    • 3-03. My Love for You ♡.flac (16.2 MiB)
    • 3-04. Beyond Probability.flac (13.3 MiB)
    • 3-05. Full Throttle Cheer.flac (14.0 MiB)
    • 3-06. Your Answer.flac (13.9 MiB)
    • 3-07. Embrace the Sky.flac (14.1 MiB)
    • 3-08. Pinky Promise.flac (9.4 MiB)
    • 3-09. Delicate Dream.flac (12.5 MiB)
    • 3-10. Prismatic Palette.flac (10.5 MiB)
    • 3-11. LOVE HEARTS.flac (11.9 MiB)
    • 3-12. The Lost Woods.flac (10.7 MiB)
    • 3-13. The Beast's Woods.flac (11.1 MiB)
    • 3-14. The Crimson Woods.flac (11.5 MiB)
    • 3-15. Elegy of Sullied Feet.flac (9.6 MiB)
    • 3-16. Aubade of the Glass Shoe.flac (10.8 MiB)
    • 3-17. Vile Chant of the Pointed Toe.flac (11.3 MiB)
    • 3-18. A Hollow Dream.flac (9.4 MiB)
    • 3-19. Her First Kiss.flac (11.4 MiB)
    • 3-20. Night of Fulfillment.flac (10.5 MiB)
    • 3-21. Purification.flac (18.1 MiB)
    • 3-22. Memoria of He.flac (17.8 MiB)
    • 3-23. Boundless Myth.flac (16.9 MiB)
    • 3-24. A Partner's Promise.flac (15.6 MiB)
    • Log Disk 1.log (15.7 KiB)
    • Log Disk 2.log (19.1 KiB)
    • Log Disk 3.log (19.1 KiB)
    • cover.png (1.0 MiB)