RAWs provided by ZichzScrubs, Scrub done by me, comes a new release of the 2004 entry in the Transformers franchise: Transformers Super Link. Original subs done by TV-N. This new release serves to have Super-Link with updated A/V since the original TV-N release is quite old. While the eps now have song inserts subbed versus before, Episodes 17, 43, 44 will need their episode previews to be subbed as well as the promos in the files, this comes with both SRT and ASS format folders for anyone who wants to customize it to their liking to have freedom to do so. This show does not have the most stellar reputation outside the world and especially in the US due to the Energon debacle and how that botched the show, so I hope this will give the show a new chance to be checked out by others.
Comments - 3
so, will you be doing Galaxy Force subs next?
Noice, thanx!
rodeocowboy (uploader)
I have a direct DDL for this now available https://archive.org/details/tfsuperlinkscrubs