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#### Screenshots from the ```ASW encode```:

is it the new normal that the pretend-seeds don't share anything for the first hour or so after the torrent appears? why claim you're a seed if you're not? is that nyaa's doing? But it's only ASW where also the other one from 17:09 UTC still has 0 completed.
I've had similar issues with some things (all of it random) but it's been from more then just ASW or Nyaa. It's really strange and yes, very aggravating, but I doubt it's ASW's doing. Why would they put their free time into releasing this (no cost of course) if they were planning to prevent people from getting it?
@kede81frzeg Yes it is, often called "seeding mode" which the source seeder(s) will do to make sure the file is distributed among the leechers fairly equally, and then the leechers have to share between themselves to complete the download - this saves bandwidth for the source, and bitchslaps leechers with fast connections who'll do a runner.
GenX bitch time: cringe at the Millennial director of the OP thinking we had anything to do with green-black Gameboys that came out in 1989 - it was Game&Watch for us.
thanks @cjb - I recall something similar called "super-seeding" decades ago, only back then, they wouldn't show up as seeds but as peers, only pretend-"having" the pieces that they saw were absent in the swarm.
Makes sense in principle, however I don't yet get how delaying the start of anything helps in that respect. Wouldn't starting with a slow seed provide data that will be swapped between peers better than having them sit at 0% so they have nothing to hand out to each other?
PS. your avatar reminds me of Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu. ;)
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