Source (Video): R2 Dragon Box
Source (Audio): Fuji Two Broadcast
This is a project done with love for Dragon Ball. (Yes, some people like Dragon Ball GT.) The project got started because all official releases of Dragon Ball have not so clear audio. So when we got our hands on Japanese television broadcast audio we decided to sync it to the Dragon Boxes. And since sangofe’s a timing nerd who’s obsessed with good timing, he retimed the scripts. Names have also been changed to be consistent with some of our favorite releases of various Dragon Ball series’. On top of this we have edited in missing stutters and even translated some missing lines.
Note: WE DID IT! Now that we’ve released every episode, arc batches will be front and center for us. The Black-Star Dragon Ball arc should be ready by the end of September, and the rest of the batches will follow soon after. Thanks to everyone that’s stuck with us, I hope you’ve enjoyed these releases as much as we enjoyed making them.
Sound Syncing: MizunoKamo
Audio Mastering: Vindico
Encoding: Chouonsoku
Timing: sangofe
QC: sangofe, Chouonsoku
Comments - 72
A question. Is there still no stereo source for episode 31?
Chouonsoku (uploader)
We’ve got one, it’ll be in the batch.
Thank you so much for yor hard work on this guys, I hope you guys do DBZ like this!
Chouonsoku (uploader)
We’re not doing DBZ. It’s long as fuck.
episode 32 will be in the batch?
Chouonsoku (uploader)
No, we were going to batch 1-31 and 33-64.
DBZ already has the original VHS audio recordings on here, unless you guys have the lost master audio? Dragon Ball (1986 series) is the last one with only the muffled audio option. Great job, though, keeping up with this.
Yeah, only thing left is Dragon Ball, but I’m not sure anyone has the entire series with better audio anyway.
I’ve seen some examples on YouTube, there is better audio around.
I know that some exists, but does it exist in its entirety?
Chouonsoku (uploader)
NOTE: As we proceed through the batch episodes I will stop seeding the old files one by one. So if you haven’t grabbed them yet, and want them, and don’t want to wait for the batch, now is the time.
@Chouonsoku Ok! Thanks and good job! Waiting for this 31 episode.
hi, i need the original dragonball (1986) and i don’t care about audio quality. Does anyone know where i can find a torrent for the whole thing?
Could you please upload the subtitles separately? I need the ass subs for episodes 1-45.
Chouonsoku (uploader)
@Del295, I’ll make an external sub pack that syncs to the R2 Dragon Box as we batch the series. The subs are still being worked on.
• [GTeam] Dragon Ball GT [Japanese Broadcast Audio] 32 [A8535150]:
• [a-S] Dragon Ball COMPLETE (001-153) [H264, AAC, Dual Audio, Uncut]:
• [Utsukushii-Raws] Dragon Ball - 001-153 BATCH (DVD 720x480 H264 AC3 2.0 Chap Sub):
Somebody really needs to make a better looking DB encode.
Cool, thanks Chouonsoku.
Can’t wait for the batch.
Thank you for your release my friend.:)
Finally, its completed.
Anyway, want you do Dragon Ball Kai blueray (first season before buu arc)? Looks like no one want to do.:(
You haven’t been looking hard enough bleach77.
thanks for the link of episode 32!!
by the way, which software do you use to sync audio and video?
@sangofe: so far,only found qrazed do db kai blueray first chapter,but they stop at episode 54.
Maybe you can give me link to complete blueray engsub for dbkai before buu arc my friend?
[DorianHD] Dragon Ball Z Kai 1080p BluRay
[ColdFusion] Dragon Ball Z-Kai The Final Chapters COMPLETE (BD EN-JA)
Wait, why will 32 not be in either batches? I’m confused.
this is the link of episode 32
ETA for batches? I don’t have any of the episodes so I would prefer to download all at once.
@MadSpecialist : thank you for the info my friend.
I know that coldfusion do buu arc, but don’t know that dorianhd do first chapter of kai.
Its really helpfull. :)
@KingOfBunnies: Don’t worry, 32 will be included :)
15 hours 7 minutes 24 seconds ago
ETA for batches? I don’t have any of the episodes so I would prefer to download all at once.
-> When they’re done. We are adults with lives. I for one, have a 4 years old daugther and have been working 150-200% this summer. Plus I do sports, and actually see friends, too. So yeah, don’t ask. If you can’t wait, use the magnet links for each torrent.
Ignore the impertinent comments. We are aware that you have a life. Many thanks for your work.
Chouonsoku (uploader)
@omegus Please don’t be rude, sangofe has worked very hard on these releases. He told you exactly what I would have, or Vindico, or anyone else working on these. The batches will be done when they are done.
@omegus beggars shouldn’t be shousers
@KingOfBunnies it was sarcasm. @GTeam thanks for this.
Chouonsoku (uploader)
@csbudi10 ;) <3
Please make a batch upload for this.
@Chouonsoku I wouldn’t take any notice to the people trying to get a rise out of the hard work you’ve all done. You’re doing Gods work, take your time with it all.
“SylentEcho: Please make a batch upload for this.”
I thought we’d adressed this enough times already, but a batch will be made when it’s ready. We’re not simply re packing the episodes. We’re doing changes to the scripts, additional remastering to many episodes (especially the first batch we’re preparing). And unfortunately our audio remaster’s been gone most of the time this last week. So we have no idea when a batch will be done. It relies a lot of him. Without him remastering more, no more QC can be done, either.
Great work GTeam,but is there anyway you could upload the subtitles themselves as an ZIP,if not then darn.
@sangofe, I wasn’t trying to be rude…I was just wondering at the time on the ETA. Anyways, I apologize for offending you. Thank you GTeam for your work.
@omegus: I accept the apology, but how can you say after posting “@sangofe, congratz, I don’t give a damn. I wasn’t asking you anyways, so stfu.” that you weren’t trying to be offensive when you tell me to shut the fuck up?
@sangfoe LOL
I wanted to wait until I was sure the September release of the first batch wasn’t happening before I said anything. Now that I’m sure it’'ll be a while longer, I have a simple request. Is there any way you can periodically update us on how it’s going. Perhaps make a twitter account just to give us an idea of progress every few weeks. Don’t know about others, but I enjoy GT, & your work will complete my DB collection. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the effort!
Of course, this is only a suggestion, feel free to ignore, but it would only be a minimal effort on your part, & many would appreciate it!
Any word on when the first batch might be released? We are already into mid-October. Any update would be good.
I guess they dropped this because of some personal reasons considering the complete radio silence and them not even continuing to release their encodes of Super or anything else for that matter.
Oh…I don’t have any episodes since the old Nyaa was taken down =/. Anyone can share what’s missing here?
Hey there folks!
We have NOT dropped the project. We did run into some technical issues and awaited a better source for the music to be mastered and included and not have to rely on the shitty Dragon Box masters. This has been concluded and we should be ready to go by the end of next week. Stay tuned and thanks for your support!
Chouonsoku (uploader)
This will never happen. We prefer to keep working on the release rather than waste time updating everyone on every little change, which is why we’ve been silent. A lot of new work we didn’t expect had to go into the batches, because when the batches are released, we want them to be as close to perfect as possible.
Chouonsoku (uploader)
As Vindico said, we are still hard at work on this. We all enjoyed this project tremendously and wouldn’t want to leave it unfinished. But setting deadlines just for something new to come up, whether project related or in real life, just sets people up for disappointment.
Thank you so much for your hard work! Can’t wait for the compilation torrents!!!
Also I have one question. Do you plan to do the same treatment to “A Hero’s Legacy” GT TV special and add it to compilation torrents? Thanks in advance!
I mean… it takes all of 1 minute to make a well-composed tweet, so you absolutely could. You don’t want to, which is fine, but let’s not beat around the bush.
Chandler, don’t fuck this up for the rest of us or I’ll give you the belt again.
Don’t worry. What he says isn’t gonna change anything at all. Batches will be released when ready. That’s all.
I am waiting for the final release <fingers_crossed>
Can I get a seed please?
“I am waiting for the final release <fingers_crossed>” -Yep, that’s what you and everbody has to do. But you really don’t need to cross your fingers. It will be done at some point.
Will this have the super secret lost 65th episode of GT? :P
@KingOfBunnies: Why yes, that one is labelled “Dragon Ball GT Kai - The Unknown Chapters”.
No final release in 2017 :/
Congratulations, you’ve done a correct observation, saiko_saiko.
There’s no need for sarcasm. Even I’m waiting for this release and was hoping it would be out in 2017. I understand you got some new audio track or something and have to re-sync everything, but I think we all want to see the batch be released. It’s even worse when we’re left in the dark and hardly given updates. I don’t need one every day, but after like 4 months, it’d be nice to hear a “Yo guys, we still workin on it, it’s about x% done.” Just something to know what’s goin down.
@KingOfBunnies, I agree. At this point, I don’t think it’s even going to be released.
It’s definitely being released. I do think impatience from people is unnecessary, but after 4 months, even one update would be rad on the progress.
Waiting patiently for the batch. And, many thanks for this high quality release of GT with broadcast audio.
“Yes, some people like Dragon Ball GT.” More now that Super turned to shit.
@DmonHiro I always thought from the start that Super wasn’t really that good of a series anyway. DB, Z and GT are my favorite series to watch among others. Super? Never!
I saw new comments and got really excited for an update. Oh well.
@KingOfBunnies Don’t count on it. Seems like GTeam have given up on releasing a batch even though it’s said they’ll do one… whenever that is.
No, we haven’t given up. It’s just taking time.
I think you should upload a batch to . It’s very fast to upload and download.
lol this nigga ded
if anyone hasn’t noticed, batch 1 has been up for six months already.
batch 2 is happening, but buncha crap happened and we’re way behind schedule on it.