Fate/stay night (2006) 01-24 [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia]

2017-11-04 21:15
No information.
File size:
21.7 GiB
Info hash:

VCB-Studio video, which has the best quality for this series.
Japanese audio encoded QAAC q109 = ~215kbps
English audio encoded QAAC q91 = ~160kbps

The endings have been split out using linked mkvs.
In total this knocks 40% off the release size with zero perceptible loss for the Japanese audio and 0-1% loss for the dub.

Japanese default as in all my releases.

The MKV language selection is set to ENG for the English subs and ZXX for the Signs & Songs like all my dual-audio releases, so if you’re a dub watcher just enter ZXX in LAV Splitter and you’ll get signs automatically.
Other dual-audio releasers use idiotic systems like marking the English subtitles JPN and using ENG for the signs (standard for Exiled-Destiny), which means sub watchers will always get the signs because we’re set up to pick ENG to get English subs in every other release. Or the groups just mark them both ENG, which means LAV Splitter doesn’t know which is which and will just pick the first, and since these groups mostly release with English/Signs default it once again means sub viewers get the signs. So neither of those systems works.
In order for the tracks to be able to be picked automatically, the English subs need to be marked ENG and the Signs something else, so I decided on ZXX (no linguistic content) for Signs just because it’s not used for anything else.

File list

  • Fate-stay night (2006) [kuchikirukia]
    • 01. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (836.7 MiB)
    • 02. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (875.3 MiB)
    • 03. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (805.1 MiB)
    • 04. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (729.4 MiB)
    • 05. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (703.5 MiB)
    • 06. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (781.5 MiB)
    • 07. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (718.9 MiB)
    • 08. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (692.0 MiB)
    • 09. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (997.2 MiB)
    • 10. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (668.0 MiB)
    • 11. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (722.7 MiB)
    • 12. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (957.5 MiB)
    • 13. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (788.6 MiB)
    • 14. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • 15. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (906.0 MiB)
    • 16. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (953.1 MiB)
    • 17. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (900.2 MiB)
    • 18. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • 19. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • 20. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (708.8 MiB)
    • 21. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (950.1 MiB)
    • 22. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • 23. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • 24. Fate-stay night (2006) [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • NCED1 (for linked mkvs).mkv (177.2 MiB)
    • NCED2.mkv (92.9 MiB)
    • NCOP1.mkv (92.8 MiB)
    • NCOP2.mkv (123.6 MiB)

kuchikirukia (uploader)


kek @ the Kametsu idiots deleting their retardation.

kek @ kuchikirukia not expecting everyone to think ‘‘his’’ releases are stolen.
So when’s the next AAC crusade?

kuchikirukia (uploader)


Since you apparently sit here refreshing Nyaa every few minutes looking for my releases, you’ll be one of the first to know.
I only release around once a week, but you’re always here within minutes. That’s dedication.

Thanks! will be really helpful for rewatching. also because FSN 2006 > FSN UBW imo.

kuchikirukia (uploader)


I thought F/SN was disjointed and confusing. I found it much better after UBW and Zero filled in the characters and plot details.

Here comes a Quoate from Kametsu:
It has been brought to our attention that a user by the name of kuchikirukia likes our work so much that he has been stealing our releases to claim them as his own.
He’s re-encoding the audio to low-grade aac, cutting the op & ed out and linking them, and taking 100% credit for all the work. This user has stolen works from various other groups as well and almost never gives credit to the video, audio, or subtitle groups he takes from. He even has gone as far as claiming they were all his original stuff previously.
Just thought everyone should be made aware of this lowlife and possibly avoid him or give him a piece of your mind (be careful though, he’s a nasty fellow).
Please man I have no doubt

“stealing” pirated anime
m8, kuchi is a faggot but stop this meme already

People should be like motbob. He does not care whatever people do with his release. After all Koby your release will be your. No one is saying here that kuchikirukia did that. Atleast he is wasting his internet in uploading.

If you are an elephant then walk properly. Dogs will always bark at you, but it’s your fault for arguing with dogs. You are one who started all this.

kuchikirukia (uploader)


My guess is Koby has a javascript Bitcoin miner embedded in Kametsu forums raping his users computers and he’s mad because I’m over here giving away better releases for free.
Kametsu has used more of my encodes than I’ve used of their remuxes, yet do you hear me complaining about it? Nope, because mine are free. They can do what they want with my encodes and I’m fine with it, yet here they are trying to tell me what I can do with someone else’s raw.

No, we haven’t used any of your encodes for [Kametsu] projects. Etzimal asked about this on AB but you never replied. Care to elaborate and name a few of these remuxes? Would love to hear it.

I have never utilized or archived anything you’ve touched. So you’re full of shit. But it’s cool that you have to lie to try to bait.
No one ever tried to tell you what you can or can’t do. We just brought up the fact you like to claim credit for everything we do by slapping your name on it.
Obviously you’re a big fan of ours, cause you’ve made it clear our work was so good you just had to take credit for it. =) Thanks for the compliment.

Regardless, converting FLAC to AAC and adding linked chapters is not making anything better. It’s simply your opinion, and one that you’re in the minority on. But it’s cool that you suddenly think that the raw was encoded by you, the audio was sourced by you, and the subtitles were translated by you. Try claiming that Commie subs are yours and see how fast Nyaa ends up kicking you out. In the end, I don’t really care one way or the other what you do. People know by now not to trust anything with the [kuchikirukia] tag.

none of you fucks credit the studio so stop giving a shit about fagsubber credits lmao

kuchikirukia (uploader)


So wait, the guy who literally slaps the name of his site on his remuxes is mad about a name? You’re using others’ encodes to advertise so you can get more mining victims and visitor information to sell. I’m just here pirating.

Never knew that commie is that much dangerous group.

kuchikirukia, what kind of drugs do you do? Is the only thing you can do is make up farfetched stories?

Also give credit to Key animators and Voice actors.
You made my day by stating that.

Gets PopCorn
Also @kuchikirukia ur general toxic behaviour is not really nice, Koby just has issues with the way of not even crediting a Dupe from you as it is a dupe obviously.(With shit AAC)
The way of commenting on a release from kametsu is also so negative and obvious self promoting that it isn’t even funny.
You’re Bashing me as well in the process while I make my own releases with my own ideals and people seem to like them nonetheless.
I use others peoples/groups Subs but I at least take the time to credit all the sources as possible, if the source is unknown I simply say it’s unknown.

I will generously invite you to my discord to chat further with more alike minded people and they could agree and or not agree with you it’s upto you how you handle it.
I will Moderate if necessary because I do see you are under the impression we want to see you gone from this site.
On the contrary you may just do your stuff as you want but just AT LEAST TAKE THE TIME TO CREDIT IT.
The javascript miner you refer to WTF My adblocker would have known the moment I went on the site

Credits for Key animators and Voice actors are already in the video unless someone nukes them.

Thanks for weekly popcorn.
Damn I love this.

kuchikirukia (uploader)


I don’t even credit myself.

Credits for Key animators and Voice actors are already in the video unless someone nukes them.
If that’s in the ending credits, errrr…

I don’t even credit myself.
Well ur tags say otherwise: Fate/stay night (2006) 01-24 [BD 1080p HEVC MA10P AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia]
also crediting is already done if you search the anilisting pages of them, because most of that stuff is publicly accessible this is not even a problem.
As this does not exist for fansubbers and well pirating release groups, I say just have good manners and do what is asked, even if you don’t like it.

“I don’t even credit myself.”

Lulz, how did everyone know this was your release then?
You credit just yourself and that’s all that seems to matter to you…

kuchikirukia (uploader)


A tag does not imply credit, as we can clearly see with the [Kametsu] tag which only designates blame.

I get PMs on a semi-regular basis asking whose video I used for my encodes, and this started even before I started remuxing. I don’t wave my hands about saying they’re mine.

I don’t wave my hands about saying they’re mine
Well I don’t see you having it written down anywhere, as it is in the files though that it is obviously not yours.
Though some people would really appreciate it that you, would credit those sources here online so that we could see if we want to get it or not.
You could’ve avoided all this hate and commenting from us and others by just taking time and crediting what has to be credited, nothing more.

“as we can clearly see with the [Kametsu] tag which only designates blame.” – damn, son

“none of you fucks credit the studio”


I credit the Studios, look at this: https://nyaa.si/view/924084

jotleb please I’m a good boy

how can I become famous at nyaa?

@ Joletb
CheekyKoala is really a good boy since he delete all American cartoons from this site.

*reads comments…*faps

Nyaa comments 2017

  • complaining about kuchikirukia not crediting stuff
  • complaining about shitsubs (Nii-sama)
  • complaining about 60fps animemes (long time no see lol)
  • having arguments with DHD
  • Thank you.Please sub the A Channel 3rd +smile ova.

stop bullying kuchikirukia
he’s too retarded to understand that remuxing files with low bitrate aac is not the same as actually encoding

sees edited release comment
Well finally you seem to do what is asked, thanks for this but leave other encodes that are according to you sub tier alone, there is a niche that is answered most of the times, but keep in mind a remux is a remux and with or without aac it’s still a dupe.
Also stop the bashing manners and explanatory text of why you do this, users already go to you for that, and I do the same as well. I keep dubs as a secondary option as the jap subs are default with the original subs that are first.
All of this is just a friendly tip and I still have the longest breath in the way that you seem to not get, I’ve no quarrel with you, you do seem to have with me as apparent on some bashing comments to my releases.
Anyways fix that little issue and you’re totally releaved from me and probably others.
you meme inducing moron.

You’re both shitty remuxes. Who cares who steals from whom, when it’s shitty easily repeatable work.

What is it about anime dubs that attracts the worst people around?

@herkz being one of the worst people in this community you would know, fam

@herkz including you

@Bl4Cc4t You forgot Nala_Alan vs People Butthurt about Nala_Alan

In previous nyaa Koby you argued with VCleo for not giving credit to you and you also pointed that He is hiding ads behind all those download links in his site to earn money. This time you are assaulting Kuchi.
Why are you guys so much obsessed with credits?
Then I think Fansubbers should stop releasing BD episodes with NCOP & NCED.
Cool down all the members of Kametsu.
If Kuromii should have been mod then he might have already blocked this comment section.

Stop double posting, retard

Sorry for inconvenience.

@soretakasa: Never!
But Catar already made a good release with better video’n’stuffs.
Find it here!

all this talk and i’m still waiting for UTW to do their UBW bds so i can watch that trash…

I don’t watch dubs though, eitaseki.

You’re a massive faggot though, go away.

@ap1234 grab the kametsu release. It’s looks pretty good imo n

kuchikirukia (uploader)


LittleBakas! is better for UBW. I have a remux up on AB. Smaller than Kametsu too since I know how to encode audio.
Kametsu (Salender-raws)
The sign/sub tracks are also not marked English/English so you can actually automatically pick the subs.

are the subs official or fansub?

kuchikirukia (uploader)


I don’t know where the script comes from. If retail doesn’t have honorifics, senpai’s and Fuji-nee’s it’s definitely fansub. Fansubbed signs for sure.

amazing quality release, much appreciated

Jesus Christ the comment section is so cancer i do not even know if i should read the rest of the comment section or download it anyways because i need to see the damn anime.

Piracy groups flaming each other for “stealing” pirated content.
Switchrescore, nyaa’s comments section has always been cancer cause the majority thinks of “judging” stuff.

Video 9. Audio 10. There was issue with endings in some episodes but they didn’t matter anyway. Thanks.

hilarious release and comments, glad i found this