Ghost Stories (Gakkou no Kaidan) (2000) [kuchikirukia]

2017-11-08 03:02
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File size:
4.8 GiB
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Fixing Exiled Destiny’s mistakes one series at a time…

Denoised, with untouched DVD audio, and with episode 1 being the right frame rate!
Ordered chapters for the ending saves nearly 1GB. (scrolling credits were about 10MB more than the NCED)
I decided on using ordered chapters after I encoded the entire episodes and I could only cut the video on keyframes, which didn’t align with the ending. So I cut it on the next keyframe and set the chapters to transition to the NCED at the right point. If you don’t have a player that supports ordered chapters (most do) you’ll run into some weirdly cut off endings.

Dub default, as it should be.

File list

  • Ghost Stories (Gakkou no Kaidan) (2000) [kuchikirukia]
    • 01. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (257.0 MiB)
    • 02. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (231.1 MiB)
    • 03. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (251.0 MiB)
    • 04. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (231.5 MiB)
    • 05. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (280.5 MiB)
    • 06. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (232.8 MiB)
    • 07. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (224.0 MiB)
    • 08. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (256.7 MiB)
    • 09. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (257.4 MiB)
    • 10. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (237.7 MiB)
    • 11. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (196.5 MiB)
    • 12. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (212.5 MiB)
    • 13. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (241.0 MiB)
    • 14. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (246.9 MiB)
    • 15. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (223.9 MiB)
    • 16. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (227.1 MiB)
    • 17. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (305.5 MiB)
    • 18. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (286.2 MiB)
    • 19. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (227.9 MiB)
    • 20. Ghost Stories (2000) [DVD 480p Hi10P AC3 dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv (253.6 MiB)
    • NCED (for ordered chapters).mkv (38.9 MiB)
    • NCOP.mkv (26.3 MiB)
Can you please do this one in mp4 hardsub 8 bit?
Thank you

kuchikirukia (uploader)


Just learn to use ffmpeg and transcode it yourself. Google “ffmpeg hardsub” and you’re halfway there.

still waiting for the pani poni dash bd

@Rajeev you can use Handbrake if you want to do easy mp4 hardsubbed encodes and ffmpeg is too confusing. That program has a bad reputation but it’s fine for personal use.

1GB~ is nothing, is this to make your release almost the same size as e-d?

kuchikirukia (uploader)


Bloat doesn’t improve anything in any way.

^“Dub default, as it should be.” Wow, you just been on the road to Damascus, saw the revelation and all? How about you stop consuming foreigners’ cartoons and get Hollywood to produce some decent patriotic stuff?

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about. 1GB isn’t enough to fuck up the video files with OC. How many version bumps have you made just because you screwed that up?

kuchikirukia (uploader)


17% in a release means a lot to me. My 18TB in storage is nearly full and Comcast is eventually going to get around to rolling out their 1TB data cap to me. I currently download just under 1TB/month on average and upload 3TB with my upload maxed 24/7. When that gets cut to 1TB total, guess what? Pretty much all of my connection is going to be reserved for seeding back sources. I just downloaded another 200GB for GitS 2nd GIG, seeding it back to just neutral makes 400GB, so that would be 40% of my cap just to be able to encode one single release, and I can do more than one series a month. Add encodes that I want to watch and internet use and there’s nothing left for seeding my library. I have releases I’ve seeded to a 400 ratio and a gigabyte MEANS something when you’re doing that.
I have 20-30 torrents actively uploading at any given time so any bandwidth I use on one is bandwidth that the rest don’t have. Since you SHOULD be doing the same, this should matter just as much to you as well.

I , for one of probably many , thank you @kuchikirukia for trying to keep this real . “Bloat doesn’t improve anything in any way” is a fair enough comment . By the way , at ONLY 18TB of storage (about 1/3rd of mine) my heart bleeds for you , but I do genuinely feel your pain at juggling storage and bandwidth for cartoons that may not get re-watched after initial viewing as entertainment . PLEASE CONTINUE TO DO GOD’S WORK by providing your releases .

Normally I’d say that dub default is a stupid decision, but this is Ghost Stories so I’m almost surprised you bothered with the original Japanese at all. Thanks for the upload!

People complaining while doing nothing are really boring… and yes people should boycot stupid dub. I can’t understand people/countries who use and abuse on the dub. Thank the gods my Portugal is against it. Until very recently only young children cartoon were dubbed. That’s why we all (well the majority) understand and can speak English.

Oh well, two cents…

yeah Rajeev, and you can also just go fuck yourself. ungrateful fucking twisted bastard. Fucking Pedo~

Thank you Kuchikirukia for the upload-from reading reviews on MAL, the dubbed version is a comedic classic and is preferred for that reason.
Thank you Nyaa for hosting.

(Dub as default) please kys only dumb americans give a fuck about their shitty-ass dubs, the dub of this show is the most horrific disgusting dub in the history of voice acting, is dog shit literally.

What an unprecedented dub ever

The English dialogue in the later episodes is so bad it’s funny, with its tendency to mention celebrities and whatnot.

Does any one know if this is the version where the fuck satan bit gets bleeped out?

it is oh well.

@ragerainbow is there an uncensored version of the dub? I’m looking to add it into my collection.

and thanks for making this OP!

To explain the decision for making the dub track the default one…

The original Japanese language version was a complete flop in Japan, it failed so bad ADV (the dubbing studio) were given liberties for the dub, and yes this is a rare case where the english dub & script is indeed superior and absolutely hilarious.

The english voice acting is incredible and the syncing is top notch (even superior to the original Japanese dub which had many issues in this area). Taking into account how old this anime is, these feats are pretty incredible, the dub takes a mediocre show and turns it into a cult classic.

So for those complaining, feel free to watch it with subs and the original Japanese script, and find out why it failed in Japan… you’ll only prefer it if your taste in anime is as bad as the sub of this show is ;)

I swear I had a copy it was while back but the quality was piss poor so I got a better copy and deleted the bad one without checking. It might have been a broadcast copy hence why the swearing was in - all the copies now are from the DVD. If you can find this version you could splice that audio track into the dvd version.

i came from trash taste, that rabbit sound tho lmao

When are people going to realise that the dub was literally made as a joke? The voice actors aren’t shit, the writing isn’t shit, it’s just wasn’t done for the same reason and effect. ADV got the rights for an American release and did not expect anything from it, and so released it as you hear it here. I would have thought anyone looking to watch this otherwise niche show would have come specifically for the English dub. Good release btw.

ordered chapters

And in trash it goes.

I confirm this release looks the best in terms of video quality than the others on Nyaa. I would only wish that it kept the credits for the endings and the next episode preview like sxales.

shitty ass gooks dub is always superior stfu

After comparing this one to Exiled-Destiny’s and sxales’, I agree this one is definitely the best. I wish it had the dub on by default since presumably most people are watching it for the funny dub but that’s down to personal preference and can be adjusted with mkvtoolnix.